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Secure Communication for Europe and Celtic Plus Proposer’s Day – 24-25. June 2014
Secure Communication for Europe and Celtic Plus Proposer’s Day – 24-25. June 2014
30 May 2014
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
SASER (Safe & Secure European Routing) is a 80 million Public-Private Partnership project of 58 companies, research organisations, and universities from Germany, France, Finland, Denmark and UK. The project is partly publicly funded by the research ministries/ agencies: BMBF (Germany); DGCIS (France), and TEKES (Finland). The project is run under the EUREKA cluster programme Celtic-Plus.

More information about SASER:

Secure European Communications have become a hot topic and the possibilities how to achieve secure communications within Europe but also outside of Europe are currently investigated and researched. The conference tries to put some additional focus on technical and political aspects and will present one of the current "flagship" projects dealing with safe and secure European routing.

In addition the conference will provide some insights in the political aspects and business strategies of the involved companies to strengthen the European Communications Security. In presentations and a panel discussion the current strategies and future requirements and aspects will be further elaborated focusing on the question if secure communications for Europe is a realistic or impossible goal.

The conference provides an updated picture of the current status and current achievements of the 80 million  research project SASER (Safe and Secure European Routing) partly publicly funded by Germany (BMBF, France (DGCIS, and Finland (TEKES).

Finally, in an exhibition the SASER projects will present and demonstrate their latest results.

The conference is targeting decision makers from:

  • Politics and industry
  • Researchers from industry and  universities
  • Industry and SME working particularly on network security and safety
  • Network operators and manufacturers

having a particular focus on strengthening European communications security.

Open to full public:

  • 24 June 13:00 to 18:30: SASER Conference "Secure Communications in Europe" (conference fee required)
  • 25 June 9:00 to 17:00: Celtic-Plus Proposers' Day - Presentation and discussion about new project proposals (free access)

Updated: 14 December 2017
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