Following mutual greetings and introductions Mr. Atamkulov outlined the tasks and main objectives of his Ministry, touching upon the local importance of the institution and its potential to enforce its concerns and interests. He spoke about the vast sources of raw materials of his country, means of inspiration and support forms of R+D activities, the extent of available state support, the beneficial tax environment and investment facilities. In response, Mr. Korányi briefly presented the activities, tasks and aims of our Office. The guests were particularly interested about the Science and Technology Attaché network operated by our Office via its Department of International Affairs, questions were posed about the issue and detailed information was asked for. The parties came to an understanding that elaboration of appropriate measuring methods and strict monitoring is essential in case of R+D activities supported by state donations for the follow-up of effectiveness. The parties agreed that mutual efforts will be made to fill up with contents the frames of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the National Innovation Office and PARASAT Holding.