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The first call for proposals of the V4–Japan Joint Research Program has been published
The first call for proposals of the V4–Japan Joint Research Program has been published
13 February 2015
Modified: 21 March 2023
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
For enhancing the cooperation between the V4 countries and Japan, the International Visegrad Fund, the Joint Research Program – which is shaped by the cooperation of the granting institutions of the V4 countries and the Japan Science and Technology Agency – has been published on 22 January 2015 for the first time.

The V4–Japan Joint Research Program is a mechanism for formulating and supporting concrete research projects carried out on multilateral basis between the V4 region (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and Japan.

The deadline of the first call for proposals is 10 April 2015; the subject of the joint call for proposals is advanced materials. Eligible applicants are consortia of public or private research organizations or small- or medium-sized enterprises from V4 countries and from Japan. Preference will be given to projects forming consortia representing all four V4 countries. Maximum grant is €100,000 per project.

Detailed information can be found on the following website:


Contact person for Hungary:
Dr. Előd Nemerkényi
National Research, Development, and Innovation Office
Phone: (00 36) 1 219 8757
Fax: (00 36) 1 219 8756

Updated: 21 March 2023
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