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Investment in the future: National RDI Strategy2020 was approved by the Hungarian Government
National RDI Strategy2020 was approved
24 June 2013
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The competitiveness of the national economy can be enhanced by the new knowledge, improved continuously in the whole economy. The social-economical based technological and knowledge oriented development has more persistent and bigger impact on the economical development, than the simple increase of the resources.

The progression of the economy, lead by the generated new knowledge can be identified by three main flows, as follow: knowledge generation, utilization of the generated knowledge and the intermediate flow between those. The evaluation, prepared for the RDI strategy identified the most important areas by the following strategic goal structure:

RDI strategy goals by intervention logic:

  • Development of the knowledge base at international competitive level, with special regard to training of researchers and creative experts, as well as development of the research base at international competitive level.;
  • Induce efficient knowledge flow, in particular: provide opportunity for small and innovative companies, speed up the technology based medium sized companies and regularly innovate the public sector.
  • Generate intensive knowledge flow, especially: bring into practice the innovation services, furthermore intensify the networks and cooperations.

The implementation will integrate the following horizontal goals:

  • Drive smart specialization at the regions
  • Operate tool set to provide sustainability and equality
  • Provide stable financial conditions
  • Strengthen the social awareness of the knowledge and technology
  • Compliance to the global social challenges
  • Stable and innovation friendly economy and regulation system.

The basic aim of the RDI strategy is that Hungary increase the R&D investments up to 1.8% GDP by end of the decade and to provide an economical environment, where the R&D oriented and innovating companies and public firms can develop equally, in line with the social expectations.

The National Innovation Office took part in the preparation of the strategy, together with the Ministry for National Economy and managed the public negotiation of the proposal.

The innovation strategy was approved by the Hungarian Government on June 13, 2013.

Updated: 14 December 2017
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