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Panel of international experts review Hungary’s RDI system
Panel of international experts review Hungary’s RDI system
04 February 2016
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 5 minute(s)
A pre-peer review of the Hungarian RDI system acknowledges the efforts the country has been making to reform its system of RDI funding and urges for a closer cooperation among research institutes, the higher education sector and the business sector. The conclusions of the review were discussed by representatives from the government, universities, research institutes and innovative businesses at a meeting organized by the NRDI Office.

Attendees of the workshop of January 21 reviewed the findings of a Pre-Peer Review of the Hungarian RDI system to contribute with their proposals to the identification of priorities within the proposed focus areas, providing feedback to the planning process of the full Peer Review currently under development. The findings, suggestions and observations gained from the self-assessment exercise proposed by the pre-peer review were presented by Gyula Péter Szigeti, Vice President for Research and Development, NRDI Office and Szonja Csuzdi, Head of Department for International Affairs, NRDI Office at a meeting in preparation for the full peer review on January 25 in Brussels. The meeting also included a more specific identification of the focus areas to be reviewed. In addition to analyzing the available data, the panel of international experts working on the full peer review will visit Hungary between February 24 and 26, 2016 to meet stakeholders from governmental institutions and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as well as from the academic and the business sectors to complete their final report based on the information received by mid-2016.

Speaking at the workshop held in the NRDI Office to discuss the findings of the pre-peer review, József Pálinkás, President of the NRDI Office emphasized: “I firmly believe that our cooperation with the experts of the European Commission will result in a professionally sound review and specific recommendations that can efficiently be translated into practice, contributing to the continued reforming of Hungary’s R&D and innovation system and to the fine-tuning of the already started processes.” József Pálinkás added that this process would add further important aspects to other expert discussions and associated analyses supporting the development of the innovation policy initiated by the NRDI Office. He also asked Hungarian attendees to cooperate in the development of a professionally sound review and to formulate forward-looking recommendations for Hungary that can help international experts summarize their suggestions.

Pre-Peer Review
Pre-Peer Review

The pre-peer review provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses (areas that need improvement) of the country’s R&D and innovation system, and identifies four major focus areas for the full peer review to be completed by mid-2016. These focus areas include R&I governance and policy making and efficient use of resources; the associated training and human resources development; university-industry cooperation; and mid- and long-term development of framework conditions for innovation.  Development directions identified in the report are in line with the criteria followed during the reforming of Hungary’s research funding and the development of the competitive application system:

  • Investment should be made in researches that are able to provide reliable answers and solutions to real societal needs and demands.
  • An increase of the share of multidisciplinary researches is recommended; the conditions for utilizing the results of fundamental research in applied research need to be improved; and the research infrastructure also needs improvement.
  • Additional reforms should be introduced in governance; the stability of the R&I system needs to be established, and the human resources base of science, technology and innovation needs to be strengthened.
  • The environment of innovative startups needs to be improved; institutional conditions to support the foundation, training and operation of startups (e.g. incubators) need to be strengthened; and university-industry cooperation should be improved.

Peer review of the RDI system – a H2020 Policy Support Facility

In order to create the conditions for economic growth and job creation, some of the EU member states are working to reform their research and innovation systems.

The so-called Policy Support Facility (PSF) is a new initiative of the European Commission to support the member states in designing, implementing and reviewing their research, development and innovation policies. The process, which can be initiated on a voluntary basis, supports the decision-makers of the member states in the development and improvement of their research and innovation policies. It also provides expert advice to the evaluation of the national RDI strategies, programs and institutional systems, as well as to the identification of focus areas that need improvement.

The review of the RDI system is conducted by independent international experts and involves consultations with local stakeholders; and it results in suggestions for the necessary RDI policy reforms and measures. The process may involve workshops attended by some of the member states to exchange experience and discuss special policy issues recommended by the member states. 

Related article:

Pre-Peer Review
Pre-Peer Review
Updated: 14 December 2017
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