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The international jury of NIH’s Call for Proposal ATI-2013 accredited incubators in the fields of ICT and Life Sciences
The international jury of NIH’s Call for Proposal ATI-2013 accredited incubators in the fields of ICT and Life Sciences
29 October 2013
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 4 minute(s)
15 October, 2013, Budapest – The National Innovation Office (NIH), as the accreditation organization of the Call for Proposals for awarding the title of “Accredited Technological Incubator” (ATI-2013), has announced the winners of ATI-2013 (the Call was published in July) at the Award Ceremony on 15 October. According to the decision of the international Selection Committee (SC), this year’s awarded incubators come from the ICT and Life Science sectors.

One of the main objectives of ATI-2013 was to have the accredited incubators qualify for the I. Sub-program of the call for proposals “Technological start-up ecosystem development“ (Startup_13), announced to the debit of the Research and Technological Innovation Fund with a total source of 2.1 billion Hungarian Forints (HUF), and apply for a de minimis funding at a maximum of 60 million HUF.

The most important element of ATI-2013 is that the accredited incubators become eligible to endorse the start-ups successfully taking part in their selection processes, which is a requirement for receiving any funding from the II.-IV. Sub-programs of Startup-13. The fundamental duty of the globally experienced and well-connected accredited incubators is to mentor the selected start-ups in order to help them become successful companies capable of international market entry and quick expansion, and suitable for further venture capital investment.

Akkreditált Technológiai Inkubátor pályázat - A bíráló bizottság
Dr. Antal Nikodémus (Ministry of National Economy), László Korányi (NIH), Péter Árvai (

According to the Selection Committee’s decision on 14 October, 2013, the title of “Accredited Technological Incubator” (ATI) has been granted to the following four incubators:

  • ACME Labs Private Limited Company 
  • Aquincum Technological Incubator Private Limited Company 
  • Digital Factory Private Limited Company 
  • iCatapult Technological and Business Development Private Limited Company

The four outstanding incubators received their Accreditation Certificates from László Korányi, acting president of NIH. At the press conference held as part of the ceremony, Mr. Korányi highlighted that in regard of the large number of highly professional applications worthy of support, both the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) and NIH would be committed to continue the program in 2014.

Akkreditált Technológiai Inkubátor pályázat
The Selection Committee and the Winners

Akkreditált Technológiai Inkubátor - A bíráló bizottság és a nyertesek
The Selection Committee and the Winning teams

A total of twenty applications were received by the deadline for submission, and out of those 18 were found eligible for entering the evaluation process. The Selection Committee included internationally acknowledged professionals, like Rina Pridor, founder and former program director of the Israeli technological incubator program; Dr. Jari Romanainen, senior fellow and former director of Finland‘s Tekes Technology Development Center; and  Péter Árvai, co-founder and managing director of The Ministry of National Economy was represented by Dr. Antal Nikodémus, Head of Department; Ministry of National Development delegated Tamás Zsolt Konrád; moreover, NIH also gave two members of the Committee in the person of László Korányi, acting president and Dr. Csaba Deák, vice president for strategy.

The Winners

ACME Labs Zrt.
ACME Labs Private Limited Company

Aquincum Technológiai Inkubátor Zrt.
Aquincum Technological Incubator Private Limited Company

Digital Factory Zrt.
Digital Factory Private Limited Company

iCatapult Technológiai és Üzletfejlesztési Zrt.
iCatapult Technological and Business Development Private Limited Company

Updated: 14 December 2017
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