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The newly appointed S&T attaché of Paris and Beijing have started their mission - Press Release
The new S&T attaché of Paris and Beijing have started their mission
20 February 2013
Modified: 19 March 2019
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Budapest, 11. February 2013. The Science and Technology (S&T) attaché of the Hungarian Embassy of Paris and of Beijing have started their mission. The S&T attachés work for the interest of the Hungarian technology and innovation community according to the government’s aim to improve research and technology-development.

The attaché’s main duties are to represent the international relations of Hungary in the fields of scientific research, technology, technological- and product development and innovation. They foster Hungarian research and science institutions and the whole Hungarian scientific community, they are in continuous relation with Hungary’s most important S&T partners.

The attaché-network is operated by the National Innovation Office (NIIO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. NIO coordinates the work of the attachés while they fit into the integrated and unanimous system of Hungary’s external relations structure. The attachés (have been selected through an open application procedure) have started their duties recently at the Hungarian Embassies.

Ms. Szilvia Szántó – France (Paris)

Ms Szilvia Szántó had a significant role in the elaboration of the National Strategic Reference Framework, Economic Development Operational Programme, the energy and environment related parts of the Central Hungary Operational Programme and also in the Environment and Energy Operative Programme. During her French employment she participated in the impact analysis of the European Commission’s energy efficiency action plan. Her highlighted tasks in Paris are the dynamisation of the Hungarian and French research institutions’ cooperation and to support those Hungarian projects which have French interests.

Ms. Hortenzia Hosszú, PhD – China (Bejing)

Ms. Hortenzia Hosszú, PhD has a master degree in political sciences. She is an expert in Chinese relations. Before her foreign service she was an associate professor at University of Miskolc and the director of its Centre of China Studies. She studied public policy at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo. She was a visiting research fellow of the HAS Research Centre of Social Sciences. Her highlighted tasks in Beijing are the elaboration of Hungarian technology transfer and to support Chinese high-tech investments in Hungary.

For more information visit: S&T diplomacy at foreign missions

Updated: 19 March 2019
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