The attaché’s main duties are to represent the international relations of Hungary in the fields of scientific research, technology, technological- and product development and innovation. They foster Hungarian research and science institutions and the whole Hungarian scientific community, while being in continuous relation with Hungary’s most important S&T partners.
The attaché-network is operated by the National Innovation Office (NIO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The NIO coordinates the work of the attachés while they fit into the integrated and unanimous system of Hungary’s external relations structure.
Dr. Györgyi Juhász - Japan (Tokyo)
Dr. Györgyi Juhász, dipl. chemical engineer, has been working as a scientific adviser for the Hungarian government in the R&D field for the past ten years. Before this period she worked as a scientist for 16 years, several years in the United States. During her work at the National Innovation Office (NIO) and its predecessors, she took part in the preparation of different funding schemes’ strategies, in the portfolio planning of the Research and Technological Innovation Fund, in the co-ordination of the national R&D sources, and in the national utilization and monitoring of the available EU funds within the frame of the EU FP7. She has coordinated the work of a number of S&T boards and workgroups, and she has participated in several committees as a national expert as well. Since 2012, one of her main tasks was the preparation of the Hungarian position papers for the EU Council meetings in preparation of the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Program for the next EU financial programming period. In Tokyo, her main tasks will be the promotion of S&T collaborations, the mutual utilization of the benefits of the scholarship programs and the promotion of innovation possibilities at niche areas.
Eszter Pászti-Márkus - Germany (Berlin)
Eszter Pászti-Márkus worked four years in the National Innovation Office. She was the Marie Curie and the Joint Research Centre National Contact Point. Furthermore she took part in the organisation of some events during the Hungarian EU Presidency and was involved in the Hungarian EUREKA Chairmanship. Eszter’s primary aim is to motivate the German-Hungarian scientific and technology relationships between higher education and research institutions, introduce Hungarian innovative and start-up entrepreneurs in Germany and promote the knowledge transfer in the field of innovation between the two countries.
Gábor J. Takács - United States (New York)
Gábor J. Takács had been in the sustainable energy business and economics higher education before taking up the scientific and technology attaché position. He served as the executive manager of the Windpower Industry Association representing 130 billion HUF investments, and was a project manager of renewable energy projects totalling more than 4 billion HUF value. He worked on regulatory issues and subsidy schemes for national and international organizations (e.g. USAID, OECD-CTI, UNEP, etc) as a consultant for about 10 years. Mr. Takács used to be a lecturer at the Budapest Business school for 11 years and was a teaching fellow in the UK and the Netherlands and was a consultant in the USA.
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Network of science and technology (S&T) attachés