A call for proposals is foreseen to be announced in mid-February by the NRDI Office on Hungarian-Israeli R&D cooperation. The call is aimed to support Hungarian participants engaged in Hungarian-Israeli R&D cooperation projects, wchich will result in new or further developed market-oriented products, processes and services.
In order to allow sufficient time to work on Hungarian-Israeli partnerships and prepare high-quality proposals, drafts of the call and its relating guidelines are now published.
The renewed call will allocate a totel budget of HUF 930 million (EUR 3 million) providing funds of up to HUF 200 million per projects and will foster large-scale projects in the following technological fields:
- Sustainable and clean technologies;
- Bio-Agro – agriculture and food technologies;
- ICT;
- Cyber Security;
- Artificial Intelligence;
- Biotech and medical devices;
- Key technologies for innovative connected and automated driving.
Projects can be implemented within the collaboration of Hungarian and Israeli enterprises, research organisations and universities, however consortium leaders can only be enterprises. Proposals demonstrating strong focus on cooperation between higher education and industries will be preferred.