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European funds now available for Central Hungary to develop strategic R&D centres
European funds now available for Central Hungary to develop strategic R&D centres
03 August 2016
Modified: 24 April 2018
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
Date of publication of the call: 18 July 2016
Final deadline for submission: 27 August 2018

In line with the priorities determined by the European Union, the action focuses on strengthening R&D infrastructure and capacities in order to develop research and innovation excellence, in particular to support competence centres on a European level. The action related to that specific objective intends to implement focused development of outstanding research entitiess (research and knowledge dissemination organization) to reach international standards.

The call is available under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP), for applicants in developed Central Hungary region. The budget of HUF 4 billion (EUR 12.7 million) complements the funds of a similar call opened for the less developed regions in September 2015. To duly submit a project proposal, applicants need to receive a positive opinion of RDI policy perspective from the NRDI Office beforehand. Evaluation procedure focuses on assessing the achievements and professional experience of the project managers and participants in the field of science, scientific excellence, scientific and technological quality of the project, elaboration of the project, the effects and results of the project.

The deadline for submission of applications is 27 August 2018 as long as available funds last.

Who can apply

Applicants can apply individually or via a consortium (up to 4 members). Only publicly financed and non-profit research units are eligible to apply.

Eligible project objectives

Supported projects should be in line with the selected national priories of the National S3 Strategy, should be based on a genuine idea and should have a realistic financial plan. The following activities are eligible for funding in the programme:

  • Research activities
  • Procurement of material and immaterial assets related to research activities
  • Project preparation and project management, other services related to the project and the publicity thereof

Main eligibility criteria

  • Development shall be performed at the seat or branch office of the applicant, registered in the Central Hungary region (Budapest and Pest County) only.
  • A positive opinion of RDI policy perspective from the NRDI Office is required.
  • Applicants shall undertake to create new R&D jobs, to increase in number of outstanding (Q1 level) publications per research units, and increase in number of international research unit–enterprise cooperation generated by research project.
  • Projects shall be performed in no more than 48 months.

Available funds

The call releases non-refundable grants. Available total budget for the period of 2015-16 is HUF 4 billion (EUR 12.7 million), grants per project may vary between HUF 0.2 billion and 0.8 billion.

Updated: 24 April 2018
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