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Networking Event of the Rare Diseases Research Challenges
24 January 2020
Modified: 03 February 2020
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The Networking/Partnering Event targets any potential applicant (academic researchers, SMEs and patient organizations from Europe) eligible for funding and interested/skilled in the identified challenges. The goal is to initiate formation of future consortia by establishing valuable contacts with experts as well as European Commission representatives and increase the quality of applications.

The agenda of the full-day event is as follows:

  • Opening session devoted to the presentation of the EJP RD and the RDR Challenge funding scheme by the coordinator of the EJP RD and RDR Challenges task leader.
  • Presentations of the challenges (see below) by industry partners and possibilities for Q&A
  • Buffet lunch and networking break
  • Pre-arranged bilateral/multilateral networking meetings between academia, SMEs, patient organisations and industry with potential partners identified from the information provided by a survey.

Representatives from the partners in the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases responsible for setting up and implementing the challenges (including the French Foundation for Rare Diseases, EURORDIS, Inserm, DLR, ZonMw, AFM and EATRIS) will select participants according to the relevant interest and expertise in line with one of the four challenges and the type of organisation (academics, SME and patient organisations) to ensure fair representation for all challenges and from all type of organisations. Up to 100 participants will be invited to participate in the networking event free of charge.

Priority in participation will be given to entrepreneurs and research organizations with demonstrable relevant expertise, collaborations and initiatives and to representatives from European Federations of Rare Diseases Patient Organizations. The participation will be limited to 2 persons representing the same organisation in order to maximize the attendance impact.

Deadline for the registration is 7 February 2020.

Participants will be informed of the results by email on 10 February 2020.

Selected participants will be required to attend the whole event on 3rd March 2020

More information:

Updated: 03 February 2020
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