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Call for applications: ​AMAT/AHAA Award for Young Investigators
AMAT/AHAA Award for Young Investigators
20 January 2023
Modified: 20 January 2023
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
The Association of Hungarian American Academicians (AHAA) – Amerikai Magyar Akadémikusok Társasága (AMAT), a non-profit charitable organization, is accepting applications for the AMAT Young Investigator Award. The award supports attendance at a scientific conference in the United States by Hungarian scientists living in Hungary or in the Carpathian Basin.

Eligibility: The application is open for graduate students working for their PhD degree or scientists with a PhD under the age of 35, in the fields of mathematics, natural (physical) and life sciences.

Award: There will be at least one award made in each category, PhD student and young investigator. The awardees are required to acknowledge support by AMAT in their presentation or on a poster, and submit a final report within a year detailing how the award was spent.

Deadline: April 1, 2023

More information:

Updated: 20 January 2023
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