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Let’s help bridge the digital divide in Central and Eastern Europe Impact Challenge Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
09 February 2021
Modified: 09 February 2021
Reading time: 1 minute(s)

The Impact Challenge Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is an open call for grant applications to provide €2m in grants to support initiatives that put digital inclusion at the heart of economic recovery.


Nonprofit organisations, for-profit organisations and academic institutions submit their grant applications for funding charitable projects that will help rebuild the digital economy with social inclusion at its core. Opens in early 2021.

Applications may only be submitted in English, as reviews will be conducted in English and if grant project support is provided for selected organisations, it will be provided in English.

Funding & support

Selected organisations will receive grant funding between €50,000-€250,000 and possible customised support from Google to help with their project.

More information:

Updated: 09 February 2021
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