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International decision on the 2nd call of the V4-Japan multilateral programme
International decision on the 2nd call of the V4-Japan multilateral programme
26 October 2021
Modified: 26 October 2021
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The ‘V4-Japan Joint Research Programme’ aims to strengthen RDI cooperation between the V4 countries and Japan through the following supporting institutions:
  • Japan: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • V4: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
  • Czech Republic: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS)
  • Poland: National Centre for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR)
  • Hungary: National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDI Office)
  • Slovakia: Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)

Hungary participated with a budget of EUR 400,000 in the 2nd international call of the ‘V4-Japan’ multilateral programme in the field of Advanced Materials.

The call received an outstanding 44 project proposals, 25 of which involved Hungarian participants. Following the formal assessment, 42 consortium project proposals were peer reviewed. Following a multi-stage peer review process, a panel of representatives from the Funding Organization (FO) proposed to fund 5 projects, all of which were 1+4, i.e., involving researchers from all V4 countries and Japan. In order to support all 5 high quality projects, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office had to increase its previous allocation by EUR 237,667, with co-financing of EUR 59,160 from the International Visegrad Fund (IVF).

The following 5 projects with Hungarian participation can be implemented between 2021 and 2024 under the ‘V4-Japan Joint Research Programme’ from the resources of the 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET programme:

Short name of project

Project title

Hungarian project partner

National grant applied for

AtomDeC Atomic Design of Carbon-Based Materials for New Normal Society University of Szeged 150 000
BLACKSENS Black metals decorated with surface receptors as highpotentiality Institute for Nuclear Research 110 363
PeDET Perovskites Quantum Dots based Broadband Detectors – University of Szeged 104 400
BGapEng Band-Gap Engineering in Unconventional Semiconductors Budapest University of Technology and Economics 150 000
MagMAX Development of Advanced Magnesium Alloys for Multifunctional Applications in Extreme Environments Eötvös Loránd University 122 904
Total:     637 667 EUR

Updated: 26 October 2021
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