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2018 Innovation Grand Prix awards presented
29 March 2019
Modified: 03 April 2019
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As an acknowledgement of outstanding technical and economic innovation performance achieved last year, the 2018 Innovation Grand Prix awards were presented this Thursday in the House of Parliament.

The 2018 Innovation Grand Prix was awarded to Omixon Biocomputing Kft for the development and global market introduction of a next-generation genetic test in transplantation.

In his opening speech at the awards ceremony László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology, underlined the importance of finding and launching RDI activities which drive sustainable development.

He added that the Hungarian government had taken a number of steps to create an innovation ecosystem that adapted to global challenges and boosted the country’s competitiveness.

László Palkovics emphasised the need to find the areas where outstanding results can be achieved and where innovation and the application of innovation determines the future.

The minister also pointed out that domestic SMEs have to be strengthened by enhancing their productivity, promoting their digital transformation, and encouraging them to enter the domestic and international markets with new products and services.

The aim is to improve the low innovation performance of Hungarian-owned SMEs, to translate the research results of public research centres and higher education institutions into practice, and to reinforce cooperation in the RDI sector, the minister stressed.

In his welcome speech Péter Závodszky, President of the Hungarian Innovation Foundation, said: the example of the innovation awardees confirms that Hungary is a good place for pursuing competitive, profitable economic activities.

István Jakab, Vice President of the National Assembly, drew attention to the central role of innovation in the government structure, and said that only knowledge-based products and services with high added value could help stay globally competitive.

The 2018 Industrial Innovation Prize of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology was awarded to FUX Zrt for developing and manufacturing high-voltage transmission lines for use under extreme operating conditions.

The 2018 IT Innovation Prize of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology went to Sanatmetal Kft for their WIWE cardiac diagnostic device.

The 2018 Agri-Innovation Prize of the Ministry of Agriculture was awarded to the HAS Centre for Agricultural Research for innovation with new high-yielding wheat varieties of Martonvásár.

The 2018 Environment Innovation Prize of the Ministry of Agriculture went to Norma Instruments Zrt for its Icon haematology product line.

The 2018 Innovation Prize of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office was given to Teqball Kft for the Teqball Smart multifunctional sports equipment.

Awarded for the first time, the “From Basic Research to the Market” Innovation Prize of the NRDI Office was awarded to Mirrotron Kft for the development and scientific and industrial application of neutron spectroscopy.


Innovációs Nagydij 2019 átadó
Dr Zoltán Birkner, President, NRDI Office; Dr Ferenc Mezei, Managing Director, Mirrotron Technology Kft; Ádám Szigeti, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation, Ministry for Innovation and Technology


The 2018 Startup Innovation Prize of the Hungarian Association for Innovation went to Webshippy for its outsourced logistics service used in online trading.

In addition to the prizes, the judging panel honourably mentioned to four additional innovations.

The awardees were welcomed by Erik Bogsch, Chair of the Board of Directors of Richter Gedeon Nyrt, the winner of the 2017 Innovation Grand Prix, who underlined that both the country and the performing company benefits from money spent on R&D.

The Hungarian Association for Innovation, which found the Prize in 1992, reported that 43 applications had been submitted to the 2018 call and 40 of them were found to be completed and successful innovation projects by the judging panel. The 40 completed innovation projects produced altogether HUF 15 billion extra profits for the innovator businesses and an additional HUF 10 billion as environmental benefit by reducing costs and the environmental burden.

The Hungarian Innovation Foundation first announced the Innovation Grand Prix Call in 1993 to acknowledge innovators performing best in the previous year. The 26 calls for applications announced up to 2017 received altogether 1186 applications, of which 1028 were found to be completed and successful by the judging panel, and ultimately 202 were awarded an innovation prize.

Updated: 03 April 2019
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