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Call for Applications for the selection of members of the Commission Mission Boards
27 May 2019
Modified: 27 May 2019
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
One of the main novelties of Horizon Europe, the next research and innovation framework programme of the EU is the development and implementation of ambitious missions aiming to deliver a transformative impact for society, the economy, and/or environment, in relation to the challenges faced by European citizens. Such high-profile initiatives will be defined and designed with the assistance of Commission expert groups (‘the Mission Boards’) consisting of a maximum of 15 independent high-level individuals with broad expertise.

Mission Boards were established in the following five broad mission areas:

  • Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation
  • Cancer
  • Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
  • Climate-neutral and smart cities
  • Soil health and food 

The Commission is now calling for applications to select members of the Mission Boards. The selected experts will contribute to the identification and design of possible specific missions and to the preparation of dedicated mission calls, thus they will have an active role in developing the content of the next framework programme. Members shall act independently and in the public interest, thus they will be individuals appointed in a personal capacity. 

Deadline for applications: 12:00 (Brussels time) on 11th June 2019 

Further information:

Updated: 27 May 2019
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