In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of danger declared in Hungary as a result, the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Office informs the beneficiaries of ongoing projects funded in 2019 under the Thematic Excellence Programme, the Excellence Programme for Higher Education Institutions and the New National Excellence Programme as follows:
In view of Section 18(1) of Government Decree 85/2020 (IV. 5.) on the specific rules applicable in domestic and administrative affairs in a state of danger, based on the decision of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology as the funding entity, the NRDI Office extends the deadline for the utilisation of awarded funds
- until 30 November 2020, or until the deadline set out in Section 18(1) of Government Decree 85/2020 (IV. 5.), whichever is later, for projects funded under the Thematic Excellence Programme or the Excellence Programme for Higher Education Institutions;
- until 31 December 2020, or until the deadline set out in Section 18(1) of Government Decree 85/2020 (IV. 5.), whichever is later, for projects funded under the New National Excellence Programme.
Section 18(1) of Government Decree 85/2020 (IV. 5.) stipulates as follows: “the duration of funded activities governed by funding relationships under projects/programmes implemented from public funding from the central budget until the termination of the state of danger and being within the relevant implementation period when the state of danger was declared, shall be extended with a period equal to the period of the state of danger.”
The extension applies to beneficiary institutions whose projects are currently in progress based on the provision regulating the deadline for the utilisation of funds in the relevant funding agreement, funding document or other agreement.
Please note that the extension is only an option to utilise the awarded funds in a longer period of time. If the beneficiary institution can submit the report on the utilisation of funds to the NRDI Office earlier, it may certainly do so in line with the terms of the funding agreement, funding document or other agreement.
The NRDI Office gives effect to the extension in an amending document which will be sent to the beneficiary institutions electronically.
Budapest, 08 April 2020
National Research, Development and Innovation Office