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More than 360 researchers received funding through the Science Patronage programme
22 October 2024
Modified: 22 October 2024
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Within the framework of the Science Patronage programme, 366 researchers have received funding this year. Through the call for proposals announced by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), HUF 2.5 billion will be distributed, instead of the originally planned HUF 1 billion.

At the results announcement ceremony held on Thursday at the Ministry for Culture and Innovation, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation László Bódis stated that the Science Patronage programme has been announced for the second time this year, following its first call in 2021.

“The primary aim of the programme is to increase the international visibility of the Hungarian research and innovation ecosystem. This was also the intent behind launching the John von Neumann Programme last year.” We can only be successful if our Hungarian researchers, universities, and research institutes become organically embedded in those international scientific networks where forward-looking research results are born,” emphasized László Bódis.

He highlighted that Hungary has made significant strides in science in recent years. He pointed out that today almost one in three doctoral students come to Hungary from abroad, and more than 43,000 students study in higher education from foreign countries. He added that these figures put Hungary well above the EU average.

“We are bringing international events to Hungary, through which we can showcase the results of the Hungarian research ecosystem to the world. As the rotating president of the Council of the EU, we are organizing twelve international research conferences this semester with the involvement of the NRDI Office, and at the end of November, Hungary will host the World Science Forum, the world’s most significant scientific event,” the deputy state secretary announced.

László Bódis also mentioned the launch of a programme package this year with a total budget of HUF 34 billion, aimed at further strengthening the international visibility of the Hungarian research ecosystem, of which the Science Patronage call is a part.

The deputy state secretary noted that eleven Hungarian higher education institutions are now ranked in the top 5% of the world. He added that the 366 researchers who received funding through the Science Patronage programme will also contribute to the reputation of Hungarian higher education.

As was mentioned, the first sub-programme of the Science Patronage programme supports Hungarian researchers, mainly young researchers, in participating in scientific conferences abroad, with funding up to HUF 1.5 million. The second sub-programme facilitates the organization of international conferences in Hungary, where up to HUF 15 million could be awarded, and the third sub-programme supports the broader dissemination and presentation of scientific results, with funding of up to HUF 35 million.

“The original budget of HUF 1 billion for the Science Patronage call was increased to nearly HUF 2.5 billion due to the great interest of the applicants, so we can support about 80% of the 452 proposals received,” said László Bódis.

Several researchers who were winners of the first 2021 call of the Science Patronage programme also attended the press conference, including Gábor Szűcs, Associate Professor at the Department of Telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence, BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics; Péter Vámosi, PhD student at Semmelweis University and trainee specialist in cardiology at the Városmajor Heart and Vascular Center; Zoltán Futó, Head of Department and Associate Professor at the Irrigation Development and Amelioration Department, MATE Institute of Environmental Sciences; and Gyula Szabó M., Research Professor and Director of the ELTE Gothard Astrophysical Observatory. They shared the results and experiences achieved thanks to the funding.

Source: MTI

Updated: 22 October 2024
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