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New President appointed to the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
New President appointed to the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
09 March 2023
Modified: 09 March 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Minister for Culture and Innovation János Csák appointed Ádám Kiss as the new President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office from 7 March 2023.

Kiss Ádám, elnökÁdám Kiss graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest. He started his professional career as an investment banker at CA-IB Tőkepiaci Tanácsadó Rt., where he was involved in a number of outstanding acquisitions and capital market transactions. After that, he worked for the Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. Group for almost ten years, among others as CEO of Díjbeszedő Faktorház and Díjnet Zrt. In 2022, he joined the Ministry for Culture and Innovation as Senior Advisor to the Minister.

With the appointment of the new president, the Ministry’s primary objective is to implement a results-focused approach to innovation. The renewal of the NRDI Office’s operations and its portfolio of calls for proposals is expected to bring the commercialisation of RDI results and the supporting of innovation and research projects with measurable social and economic potential into the forefront. “The next step in the modernisation of the national innovation ecosystem is the renewal of the public RDI funding system, including the allocation of funding in a way to focus on carefully identified economic areas and allowing for the monitoring of scientific and corporate innovation results on a global scale”, said Ádám Kiss.

Updated: 09 March 2023
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