OTDK first placers awarded Pro Scientia Gold Medal
01 July 2021
Modified: 07 July 2021
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Pro Scientia, Pro Arte and Junior Pro Scientia Gold Medals are awarded to young OTDK first placers who have achieved outstanding results in their studies and who have demonstrated this in the form of professional papers, presentations or literary, artistic or scientific works.
So, the 51 gold medals won were not awarded to single presentations or papers presented at a conference, but to outstanding students based on their overall individual performance.
In 2021, a total of 314 Pro Scientia applications were received for the 16 science sections and the Junior Pro Scientia competition. 48 Scientia, 2 Arte and one Junior Gold Medal were awarded by the Pro Scientia Gold Medal Award Committee. The gold medals will be handed out in November, traditionally in the Ceremonial Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, by Prof. Dr. Péter Szendrő, President of OTDT and Prof. Dr. Tamás Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
For the list of winners, please, click here.
Updated: 07 July 2021