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Research, development and innovation in Hungary
14 March 2019
Modified: 14 March 2019
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
In its latest publication the NRDI Office sets out to explain to the broadest possible audience the role and relevance of research, development and innovation in enhancing competitiveness. To this end, the publication draws on various sources, including fresh data from Eurostat, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and ERC, to present an objective picture about the current landscape and trends of the domestic RDI sector, also highlighting the most important links.

Hungary is still a moderate innovator according to the European Innovation Scoreboard, but the aim is to become a strong innovator country by 2030. This will primarily require a change of mindset from economic stakeholders: businesses should become aware that innovation is a highly important, but also a tangible, understandable and manageable task.

This was a core consideration behind the Hungarian Innovation Forum, a series of events that ended in the first week of March, an action organised jointly with the Ministry for Innovation and Technology to ground the Hungarian innovation ecosystem being re-organised and to assess the needs and suggestions relating to the system of RDI calls being renewed. At the nation-wide consultations taking place in 25 venues, this publication reached over 2800 participants, to hopefully contribute to a better understanding of facts and promoting a change of attitudes about innovation.

Download the publication here: Research, Development and Innovation in Hungary PDF (5 419 KB)

Updated: 14 March 2019
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