Hungary is still a moderate innovator according to the European Innovation Scoreboard, but the aim is to become a strong innovator country by 2030. This will primarily require a change of mindset from economic stakeholders: businesses should become aware that innovation is a highly important, but also a tangible, understandable and manageable task.
This was a core consideration behind the Hungarian Innovation Forum, a series of events that ended in the first week of March, an action organised jointly with the Ministry for Innovation and Technology to ground the Hungarian innovation ecosystem being re-organised and to assess the needs and suggestions relating to the system of RDI calls being renewed. At the nation-wide consultations taking place in 25 venues, this publication reached over 2800 participants, to hopefully contribute to a better understanding of facts and promoting a change of attitudes about innovation.
Download the publication here: Research, Development and Innovation in Hungary PDF (5 419 KB)