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Superbacteria in cancer therapy
11 January 2023
Modified: 11 January 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
On 8 December, at the invitation of Dr. István Szabó, Vice President of the NRDI Office, eight members of the nine-member team from the Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Natural Sciences (ELTE TTK), which won gold at the iGEM competition in Paris at the end of October, visited our office. In addition to the winning team, we had as guests Dr. Imre Kacskovics, Dean of ELTE TTK, and Dr. Erik Bogsch, Jr., Director of the Biotechnology Business Unit of Richter Gedeon Plc.

The iGEM (Internationally Genetically Engineered Machine) is an independent, non-profit organisation set up around 20 years ago at the initiative of MIT in Boston to explore the potential of synthetic biology. The joint master’s programme in biotechnology at ELTE and BME was launched in 2018 partly with the support of the NRDI Office, and the vast majority of the gold medal-winning team members of the 2022 iGEM competition are students of this programme. The ELTE iGEM team was established as a student initiative, with financial support from the faculty and Ricther Plc. The process developed in the project, called NanoBlade, is based on a targeted, light-activated, genetically modified bacterium, which has shown great promise for both tumour diagnostics and cancer therapy. The Hungarian project, which won gold in the international iGEM competition, still has great potential for innovation, so the team is looking for further funding to improve the NanoBlade method and increase its international visibility.

More information about the project and the Hungarian iGEM team can be found in the article of the ELTE TTK.

Szuperbaktériumok a rákterápiában

Szuperbaktériumok a rákterápiában

Updated: 11 January 2023
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