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Tripartite Agreement on Professional Support for Innovation
21 October 2022
Modified: 21 October 2022
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The leaders of Corvinus University of Budapest, the University of Pannonia and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office signed an agreement on 18 October at Corvinus University in Budapest to promote innovation management in Hungary. As part of the cooperation, they established the National Innovation Conference, which is to be developed into an international event and will be held alternately at the two signatory universities every year.

The innovation cooperation agreement was signed on 18 October at Corvinus University by Rector Előd Takáts on behalf of Corvinus University of Budapest, Rector András Gelencsér on behalf of the University of Pannonia and President Zoltán Birkner on behalf of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.

Háromoldalú megállapodás az innováció szakmai támogatására
Előd Takáts rector (Corvinus University of Budapest), Zoltán Birkner President (NRDI Office), András Gelencsér rector (University of Pannonia)

   Photo: Tamás Lékó, Corvinus

“The collaboration is an excellent example of how to effectively exploit the synergies existing in Hungarian innovation science workshops and share our results with the public and economic actors. At Corvinus, there are two types of postgraduate specialisation programme available in this field – the Research and Innovation Manager and the Specialised Economist programmes – which will be developed with the experience gained through the cooperation.” – said the Rector of Corvinus, Előd Takáts.

“In a world of emergencies and crises, it is particularly important to exploit the results of innovation in different professional fields as quickly and as widely as possible, and to create a dialogue between the various disciplines and society. The biggest obstacle to the exploitation of innovation products is stagnation and lack of knowledge, which is as challenging to overcome as the development of the innovative idea itself. We expect that our cooperation will provide indispensable support for the former process,” – said the Rector of the University of Pannonia, András Gelencsér.

The President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Zoltán Birkner, underlined: “In the process of renewing the Hungarian innovation system, our common task is to shape the social mindset, so that the solution-oriented, innovative way of thinking becomes as widespread as possible. We are on the right track, and knowledge-producing universities and research institutions, as well as businesses, are becoming more aware in this field. The success of university-level innovation training is no coincidence, as the demand for experts who can see through innovation processes and manage them on a day-to-day basis has been growing steadily in recent years.”

With this agreement, the signatory institutions are pooling their intellectual and scientific capacities to communicate, promote, raise awareness and increase the profile of the scientific results of innovation management in Hungary and internationally to interested and concerned parties. As part of this effort, they seek to establish professional research, programmes, publications and collaborations in the discipline, and to develop related training.

In order to share and disseminate scientific and professional results related to national and international innovation, the collaborating organisations establish the National Innovation Conference, with the common determination to develop it into an international event. The aim of the conference is to create an opportunity for a common and diverse reflection on innovation and the transfer of innovation-related professional knowledge, thus contributing to a more successful and competitive domestic entrepreneurial sector and a more developed and prosperous innovative socio-economic environment. Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Pannonia will alternate hosting the conference each year, with Corvinus University of Budapest hosting the conference in November 2022. The predecessor of the event was organised by the University of Pannonia last year.

Updated: 21 October 2022
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