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Hungary is to join two new international research infrastructures
30 November 2020
Modified: 07 December 2020
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
As of 2021, Hungary will become member to two new international research infrastructures. A key to international research cooperation projects is that researches are carried out on various infrastructures and by joining such infrastructures, the Hungarian research community can achieve true international involvement.

The research infrastructure Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI ERIC) is the biggest biobank in Europe with twenty countries and thirty industrial partners and health organisations among its members. This infrastructure promotes the standardisation of medico-biological research projects, the harmonisation of procedures and the legal framework, as well as the recording and accessibility of data. Joining the infrastructure enables Hungarian researchers to engage in international research services contributing to the optimisation of efficient diagnostics and therapy developments, the development of patient-centred care and the implementation of research results in practice.

The multidisciplinary international cooperation under the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) encompasses complex research projects, management, conservation, interpretation and documentation related to our cultural and natural heritage. Joining this cooperation enables Hungarian researchers to participate in international research projects that promote the material testing, dating and authentication of raw materials of artefacts and archaeological findings through the techniques and measurements of physical sciences, facilitating also the conservation of art treasures.

In the context of the international preparations for the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) Roadmap 2021, the NRDI Office launched a national survey in late 2019 to determine which research communities are interested in joining any of the research infrastructures included in the current ESFRI Roadmap 2018.

The proposals received through the two-stage questionnaire survey were presented by the representatives of the research communities during the July 2020 session of the National Research Infrastructure Committee. In its assessment, the Committee made proposals to the Minister for Innovation and Technology for the infrastructures to be joined in consideration of three main aspects, namely the professional, financial and researcher capacities.

Pursuant to the minister’s decision, Hungary will join two new international research infrastructures as full member with the annual membership fee being provided for through chapter-managed appropriations under the budget chapter National Research, Development and Innovation Office.

Congratulations to the research communities involved for their achievements so far and we wish them many more successful works.

Updated: 07 December 2020
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