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New National Excellence Programme calls announced for academic year 2019/2020
07 May 2019
Modified: 05 August 2019
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Budapest, 06 May 2019 – The New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP) supports research and artistic excellence in higher education to enhance the scientific performance of universities, raise the next generation of researchers, make scientific careers more attractive, and help the most outstanding teachers and researchers stay in Hungary and stay in science. The ÚNKP calls and all related information are available on a new website launched this year: Deadline for submission is 6 June.

The total budget of the ÚNKP programme for the academic year 2019/2020 is HUF 4 billion, expected to be disbursed to nearly 2000 beneficiaries. Since the launch in 2016, over 4600 scholarship grants have been awarded in the programme supported by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and, from this year, managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office as professional operative coordinator. 

Five calls are going to be announced this year under the ÚNKP:

  • Call for Research Scholarship Applications for Bachelor Students
  • Call for Research Scholarship Applications for Masters Students
    Total budget of the bachelor and masters schemes: HUF 600 million
  • Call for Research Scholarship Applications for PhD Students and PhD Candidates
    Available budget: HUF 1600 million
  • Bolyai+ Call for Scholarship Applications for Young Higher Education Teachers and Researchers
    Available budget: HUF 1400 million
  • “Power up your Talent!” Call for Research Scholarship Applications for New Higher Education Students
    Available budget: HUF 400 million

Deadline for submission for the “Power up your Talent!” call: 20 June 2019

Students of bachelor, masters or PhD programmes, PhD candidates, young teachers and researchers may apply for a 5- or 10-month scholarship if they perform successful research or artistic activities in one of the 25 higher education institutions. Awardees will receive a net monthly grant of HUF 50,000 to 300,000, while the host institutions will receive 40% of the amount awarded to their beneficiaries for operating and research costs.  

In the case of the bachelor, masters and PhD calls a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize at the National Conference of Scientific Students Associations (OTDK) will be considered as an important evaluation criterion. This year’s OTDK (the 34th) was closed in late April: 4100 papers were presented in 16 scientific fields in various sections.

For detailed information about the current ÚNKP calls, for which applications must be submitted to the host higher education institutions, please visit

Updated: 05 August 2019
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