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The information site of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) has been launched
14 December 2021
Modified: 30 December 2021
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
In July 2021, the Government adopted Hungary’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3), which sets out the main development directions for the 2021-2027 programming period. To ensure that the agreed strategy reaches all stakeholders, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, with the policy support of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM), has launched a thematic information site presenting the S3. Contact:

The Hungarian Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) for the 2021-2027 development cycle was adopted by the Government in July this year. The document puts emphasis on strengthening RDI capacities and the growth of SMEs. The Hungarian S3 identifies eight priority areas: agri-food, health, digitali-sation of the economy, creative industries, strengthening the resource-efficient economy, energy and climate, and the development of services and cutting-edge technologies.

The site aims to present, in addition to the priorities, the EU background, the context of the strategy, its practical implementation, good practices and literature, as well as the latest news.

“The target groups of the S3 website are those involved in its design, higher education institutions, research institutes, knowledge-dissemination organisations and professional NGOs, as well as rep-resentatives of the Territorial Innovation Platforms (TIP),” said Dr Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.

“The Ministry for Innovation and Technology has recently set up a network of TIPs building on uni-versity centres. The platforms will also play a major role in monitoring and evaluating the imple-mentation of the S3” - said Tibor Gulyás, Deputy Secretary of State of ITM.

Updated: 30 December 2021
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