At the meeting, Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Chair of the Council, presented a comprehensive overview to the members of the Council of the elements of the domestic RDI system and their coordinated operation, as well as related measures.
In its decision, the Council supported the NRDI Fund’s Programme Strategy for 2022, which will provide the basis for next year’s domestic RDI calls for proposals, thus ensuring further consolidation of the policy achievements.
Prof. Dr. Miklós Maróth, President of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, has joined the Council. His credentials were presented by Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology. The Council brings together the scientific, business and public sectors, in line with the triple helix concept of science policy, which sees cooperation between the three main sectors (business, research institutions and government) as the key to strengthening innovation.
Prof. Dr. Miklós Maróth, Prof. Dr. László Palkovics |