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Over HUF 13 billion paid out to winning applicants
07 May 2024
Modified: 07 May 2024
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
So far this year (up to 30 April 2024), the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NRDI Fund) has disbursed HUF 13.4 billion to applicants selected for funding under the calls for proposals of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office).

Around 47% of the total payments (HUF 6.3 billion) from the Research Sub-fund of the NRDI Fund support the research work of the winners of calls launched in previous years. By the end of April, the NRDI Office had paid HUF 2.2 billion for thematic research projects and approximately HUF 2.1 billion to cover scholarships for students participating in the Cooperative Doctoral Programme. The NRDI Fund disbursed HUF 1.1 billion for the participants of the Young Researcher Excellence Programme, almost HUF 500 million for the dedicated researchers of the Postdoctoral Excellence Programme, HUF 210 million for the scientists supported by the Forefront - Research Excellence Programme, and nearly HUF 160 million for the researchers whose projects were selected for funding under the Calls for research projects based on international cooperation (Hungarian-Austrian or Hungarian-Slovenian international cooperation) during the period.

The beneficiaries of calls financed from the Innovation Sub-fund of the NRDI Fund received a total of HUF 5.7 billion (43% of the total disbursement) in public funding thanks to the first four monthly payments this year. By 30 April 2014 HUF 2.8 billion was disbursed from the NRDI Fund to the winners of the 2019-2020 PIACI-KFI Innovation Projects call, HUF 1.1 billion to the beneficiaries of the STARTUP Factory (incubator support) programme, HUF 624 million to the winners of the Fast Track programme, HUF 358 million to the organisations and businesses selected for funding in the ERA-NET programme, HUF 155 million to the beneficiaries of the SME-Start programme, and HUF 130 million to the winners of the S&T-Industry Cooperation Programme.

The beneficiaries of the NRDI Office’s other funding programmes received a total of HUF 580 million in public funding.

Under the National Laboratories programme, the NRDI Fund transferred HUF 820 million in funding during the period mentioned above.

Updated: 07 May 2024
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