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PSF panel also visits the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest
PSF panel also visits the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest
28 April 2016
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
An analysis and a comprehensive survey of the potential of Hungary's RDI system by independent experts have been going on for half a year. The latest stage of the process was the second country visit of the international experts between 18 and 20 April, 2016. As part of a series of consultations, experts met representatives from regional development agencies, employee representatives from chambers and scientific organizations, heads of private educational institutions, decision-makers of local and global enterprises, as well as PhD students and young researchers.

During the first country visit at the end of February, the expert panel consulted representatives of relevant governmental organizations, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the higher education and the business sectors. Recent discussions involved a similarly broad scope of stakeholders: among others the Hungarian European Business Council, an organization bringing together the top managers of the Hungarian subsidiaries of leading European industrial companies; the Aquincum Institute of Technology founded by Hungarian software entrepreneur Gábor Bojár; the AmCham; and the Union of Scientific and Innovation Workers. Experts also met regional development agencies playing a key role in the implementation of Hungary's national S3 strategy; innovative Hungarian and multinational companies (Prezi, Balabit, Ericsson, Unilever, Audi); leaders and students of private educational institutions, as well young researchers from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).

The experts also visited the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KOKI), where they were greeted by dr. Tamás Freund, Director of the Institute, who gave an account of the National Brain Research Programme, the Momentum Programme, and the success of the Institute in winning funding under international calls (e.g. ERC, Welcome Trust), while also describing the Institute’s cooperation with universities and businesses as well as the outstanding publication performance of the Institute’s associates. Following the presentation of dr. Tamás Freund, guests visited the laboratories of Thalamus Research Team, Momentum Cellular Neuropsychology Research Team and Momentum Molecular Neurobiology Research Team.

Following a summarization and analysis of the first-hand information gathered during the country visits in February and April, the expert group will develop a peer review with recommendations for further policy reforms and measures, by mid-2016.

Previous updates on the issue:

Updated: 14 December 2017
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