Experience shows that the participants of the Hungarian Innovation Forum highly appreciate that policy-makers directly involve businesses and other stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem and invite them to express ideas about future funding schemes. Many confirmed at or after the events that they found the consultation highly valuable and informative about the government’s plans on research, development and innovation, and also helpful when they will be applying for funds.
The plenary session features informative presentations on various topics of the innovation ecosystem highlighting several novelties. The Mentimeter mini-polls conducted through an innovative app along with the plenary presentations were much appreciated by the audience at all the venues. This interactive part of the programme enabled the audience to give real-time feedback in questions related to the on-going presentations. Each presentation involves two questions on which the members of the audience can respond using their smartphones. Results of the on-site voting are displayed live and can be followed until the presentations last. The workshops held after the plenaries prove to be attractive due to the opportunity of an interactive consultation and exchange of ideas focusing on practice, participants say.
The series of events aims to lay the foundations of the renewing innovation environment of Hungary and to assess needs and collect ideas about the new RDI system and funding schemes. In the framework of the consultations implemented through broad professional collaboration, the experts of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and the NRDI Office will give presentations together with the representatives of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, Bay Zoltán Research Institute, universities active in R&D and local vocational training centres.
The remaining events of the National Innovation Forum are still open for registration both to the plenary programme and the subsequent workshops. Schedule of the events, including dates and venues is available: Hungarian Innovation Forum