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The 2019-2.1.2-NEMZ call closes
The 2019-2.1.2-NEMZ call closes
16 June 2021
Modified: 12 July 2021
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
The National Research, Development and Innovation Office hereby informs you that the call for proposals “Support for participation in joint EU initiatives” of call identifier 2019-2.1.2-NEMZ, reopened on 26 January 2021, is closed.

According to the call for applications, only applicants who are Hungarian members of the consortium of the joint international project proposed for funding under the evaluation scheme of the relevant international programme or Hungarian participants who have subsequently joined the consortium of the joint international project proposed for funding under the evaluation scheme of the relevant international programme are eligible to submit an application. Based on the results of the Spring 2021 international evaluations, there are no more eligible Hungarian applicants, so the call will close on 18 June 2021.

Read more about the call: Support for participation in joint EU initiatives (2019-2.1.2-NEMZ)

Updated: 12 July 2021
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