The Hungarian-German laser research symposium was aimed at presenting and promoting the ELI consortium and the ELI-ALPS laser research centre to the scientific community. The welcome lecture was delivered by Dr. László Palkovics, Minister of Technology and Innovation, and along with researchers’ presentations, Dr. István Szabó, Vice President for Science and International Affairs at NRDIO also contributed. Beside the results of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem and the laser centre, key topics of the symposium also included the directions of the related Czech laser research programme.
ELI is the first infrastructure in the world enabling advanced examination of the interactions between light and matter at a highest intensity ever. It is expected to bring new opportunities in many areas of material and medical sciences and environment protection alike.
Presentations of the event:
Hungarian Innovation Ecosystem PDF (1 375 KB)
Dr. István Szabó VicePpresident, National Research, Development and Innovation Office
ELI-ALPS in Hungary - A Unique, Open User Facility for Laser-based Research PDF (2 927 KB)
Prof. Dr. Gábor Szabó, az ELI-ALPS ügyvezető igazgatója
HR laser: a high average power research tool at ELI ALPS PDF (9 303 KB)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jens Limpert, Head of "Fiber and Waveguide Lasers", Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
ELI BEAMLINES: Laser Infrastructure of the Czech Republic a PDF (4 730 KB)
Dr. Stefan Andreas Weber. Department of Beamlines Experimental Programmes, ELI Beamlines Project Division, ELI BEAMLINES, Czech Republic
The development of the SYLOS driven beamlines PDF (2 107 KB)
Sergei Kühn PhD ELI-ALPS
ELI ALPS and the high-intensity ReMi project PDF (2 613 KB)
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Sansone Attosecond- and Strong Field Physics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
User experience at ELI ALPS PDF (3 580 KB)
Prof. Dr. Frank Stienkemeier Molecular and Nanophysics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg