Wide range of opportunities – NRDI Office to encourage innovative businesses at the EU Funds 2017 conference
Sustainability, marketable ideas, own innovation funds, long-term budget planning. These are the pillars on which domestic businesses should build their applications for RDI funds, primarily because from 2020 the focus will shift from the current abundance of domestic sources to EU funds that can be won in international competition – said Zsolt Monszpart, Vice President for Innovation and General Affairs of the NRDI Office to Portfolio.hu at the EU Funds 2017 thematic conference. To make this trend clear to stakeholders, the NRDI Office invited to the conference the heads of some of the domestic businesses which successfully applied for funding under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. They gave an account of their experience at a round table discussion, explaining how their funded H2020 projects boosted their business and interconnected them to the global market.
Publication date: 29 March 2017