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Central European cooperation for Industry 4.0 workshop
Central European cooperation for Industry 4.0 workshop
25 July 2017
Modified: 18 March 2024
Reading time: 8 minute(s)
The event offers a chance for businesses, researchers and knowledge institutes to meet new partners and outline innovative solutions and collaborative investments, cross regional project proposals in the fields of Industry 4.0.

Date and place: 20-21 September 2017, Budapest
Foreseen number of participants: 130 people

Objectives of the event:

  • creating a professional forum for regional actors (i.e. higher education, research centres, enterprises, research and innovation agencies, funding agencies) being active in advanced manufacturing and open for international RDI collaborations;
  • presenting relevant cooperation opportunities, existing networks
  • providing opportunity for participants to present their project ideas
  • promoting the preparation of specific regional collaborative projects, consortium building, personalized matchmaking 


Matchmaking registration:


20 September 2017, Wednesday

Official opening of the event: Prof. József Pálinkás, president of National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office)

Addressing the event: István Lepsényi, state secretary, Ministry for National Economy

Smart specialization cooperation in Central Europe initiative, Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca, Director, EU Commission; Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO)
INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE third call for proposals: Thematic focus on regional smart specialisation strategies PDF (612 KB)

Monika Schönerklee-Grasser, Head of Evaluation and Monitoring Unit, Interreg Central Europe Joint Secretariat

Presentation of relevant funding opportunities of Horizon 2020 and other funding programmes

Horizon 2020, “Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Advanced manufacturing and processing, and Biotechnology” programme in 2018-2020 PDF (1 253 KB)
John Cleuren, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Senior Expert, NMBP Call Coordinator

Presentation of other funding programmes (H2020 ICT, EUREKA, EUROSTARS, ECSEL)
NRDI Office speakers

Q & A

Buffet Lunch
Industry 4.0 – in practice:

Keynote panel on future trends, thematic sessions with industry representatives and introduction of project ideas in advanced manufacturing
Future trends of Industry 4.0 - Panel discussion with keynote speakers
Moderator: Prof. László Monostori

Introduction – Industry 4.0: New rooms for cooperation PDF (1 651 KB)
Prof. László Monostori, , director of Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; & Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Strategies for reindustrialization of European industries PDF (693 KB)
Prof. em. Engelbert Westkämper, University of Stuttgart & Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA

Industry 4.0: An industrial view PDF (3 154 KB)
Mr. Joerg Bauer, President of General Electric Hungary

Demanufacturing and Remanufacturing Systems for Circular Economy PDF ( 5 388 KB)
Prof. Tullio Tolio: director of Institute for Industrial Technologies and Automation –National Research Council of Italy (ITIA–CNR) & University of Polytechnic, Milano

Human centred cyber-physical assembly PDF (930 KB)
Prof. Sebastian Schlund, Technical University, Wien;

Cognitive Assistance Systems in Manufacturing PDF (1 700 KB)
Mr. Lukas Merkel, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology – IGCV

Coffee break
Thematic sessions (in two separate rooms)

Human-robot cooperation - from sensors to standards

moderator: József Váncza, Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI)

Panel discussion, including Q & A

Smart Factory: processing of production data, maintenance forecasting, manufacturing platforms, industrial internet, cyber-physical systems, High-Performance Manufacturing

Moderator: Prof. Charaf Hassan, Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Panel discussion, including Q & A

Presentation of project ideas by the participants (3 minutes / presentation)

Watify Campaign and opportunities for collaboration and partnerships development – Eleonora Zoboli, Watify, Technopolis Group

  • Watify PDF (737 KB) – Eleonora Zoboli

Networking Buffet Dinner


21 September 2017, Thursday

Wrap up from day one - Brief summary of main conclusions from the Industry 4.0 project generating workshop

Jack Engwegen – senior advisor DG REGIO, Pierre Padilla – IDEA Consult

Presentation of platforms – examples of existing cooperation; Panel discussion

Moderator: Vincent Duchene – IDEA consult

Coffee break
Introduction to Industry 4.0 matchmaking sessionEleonora Zoboli, Watify, Technopolis Group

Presentation of the Watify campaign and practical information on upcoming sessions, setting the scene for the multilateral working group meetings.

Multilateral Working group meetings driven by Watify

Group 1: Human-robot cooperation from sensors to standards
Moderator: Dr József Váncza, Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI);

Group 2: Smart Factory: processing of production data, maintenance forecasting, manufacturing platforms, industrial internet, cyber-physical systems, High-Performance Manufacturing
Moderator: Eleonora Zoboli, Watify, Technopolis Group

Matchmaking session driven by Watify – Eleonora Zoboli, Watify, Technopolis Group
Pre-arranged exploratory one-to-one meetings – based on a personalised agenda (max 30 min / meeting) with participants from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.

Buffet Lunch


Practical guide PDF (471 KB)


Updated: 18 March 2024
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