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FAQ on running projects
FAQ on running projects
29 May 2018
Modified: 26 June 2019
Reading time: 6 minute(s)
How is the date of submission identified?

The date of submission is always the date (sometimes also hour and minutes) when the given document was submitted as follows:

  • In the case of the services of Magyar Posta Zrt, the date indicated on the postmark.
  • In the case of courier services, the date of handover as certified by the courier company.
  • In the case of delivery in person at the NRDI Office Customer Services, the date indicated on the certificate of acceptance.


I’ve received a notice of deficiency or must submit a professional-financial report but I’m unable to meet the given deadline. What to do? 

In all cases, you must try to meet the deadlines specified by the Office as the related administrative procedures are mostly built on each other, so any delay can hinder the general processing of proposals.

Naturally, there may be circumstances which may prevent you from meeting your deadlines. In this case, please notify the Office before the expiry of the given deadline, requesting for an extension as follows:

  • To request the extension of a deadline, it is sufficient to send an email to the relevant email address ( of the NRDI Office Customer Services.
  • Such requests may only be initiated by the contact person indicated in the proposal/agreement from his or her specified email address.
  • The request must briefly justify why the extension is necessary.
  • The request must also specify the exact new date (day/month/year spelled out) you undertake.

Requests for the extension of deadline are assessed by the NRDI Office on a case by case basis to decide on their approval or rejection. The requesting person is notified of the decision in email.

Note that no extension may be requested for the deadline set out in the call documentation for the submission of proposals, any such requests will be rejected by the NRDI Office. For complying with a notice of deficiency, an extension may only be requested if the applicant is unable to meet the deadline due to reasons beyond its control.


Can I visit the Customer Services in person?

The NRDI Office Customer Services may only be contacted in person for the purpose of personal delivery of documents related to calls and projects financed from the NRDI Fund (i.e. from the Hungarian central budget), in opening hours.

In relation to any other matters (questions, requests), please contact the NRDI Office Customer Services via the following phone number or email address:



Phone: +36 (1) 795 9500

Opening hours: Mon–Thu 09:00-16:00; Fri 09:00–12:00


Where to find the visual image requirements to be used for project implementation, and what visual image requirements apply to my project proposal?

The NRDI Office has determined a uniform set of visual image requirements for research, development and innovation programmes and projects financed from the NRDI Fund. These requirements apply to all communication activities throughout the implementation of the project. Information banners, press releases and other visual elements already prepared and approved according to former requirements (link) are not necessary to be replaced retrospectively.

You can find out more on the beneficiaries’ communication obligations and other related information on the NRDI Office’s website.


When and how to submit the financial and professional reports?

Unless otherwise provided by the call notice or the funding agreement, the professional report and the financial report must be submitted within 30 days after the closing of each current work stage. Please consider the following in relation to these submissions:

  • The professional and financial reports may only be submitted using the forms available and regularly updated on the NRDI Office’s website or, if the funding agreement so allows, using the appropriate form in the proposal administration and evaluation systems. Only these documents must be submitted in hard copies as well, and additionally, if the electronic submission is not made through the proposal administration and evaluation systems, one electronic copy of these documents and all other supporting documents must be submitted on a storage device (CD, DVD).
  • The professional and financial reports may only be submitted together, at the same time. Consortia, however, must submit joint professional reports but separate financial reports for each consortium members. Even in this case, all documents must be submitted together, at the same time to the NRDI Office.
  • The professional report must be countersigned by the professional leader (project manager) or the authorised signatories of the Beneficiaries, whereas financial reports must be signed by the authorised signatories of the Beneficiaries. For more information and downloadable documents on professional and financial reporting, please see the NRDI Office’s website.


My data has changed. When and how should I let you know?

Any change of data related to the funding or the funding agreement must be reported to the NRDI Office immediately but no later than 8 days after the change. For changes of data included in the company register, the new data must be reported after publication of the change in the company register.

  • After the conclusion of the funding agreement:

    Data change must be reported by completing and sending the “Form for reporting data change” available on the NRDI Office’s website to the NRDI Office, or if the funding agreement so allows, through the proposal administration and evaluation systems. Templates and further information are available on the NRDI Office’s official website.

    The obligation to report data change continues until the full financial closure of the project, or if the call prescribes a monitoring period, until the acceptance of the monitoring report. 
  • After the funding decision, before the conclusion of the funding agreement:

    Data changes occurring after the submission of the proposal must be reported during the arrangement of the funding agreement, and it must be ensured that the funding agreement contains up-to-date data. 

  • After the submission of the proposal, before the funding decision:

    Any data change occurring after the submission of the proposal must be reported without delay to the NRDI Office Customer Services at the provided email address.
Updated: 26 June 2019
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