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Electronic Portal of Proposals (EPR)
29 May 2018
Modified: 17 April 2019
Reading time: 12 minute(s)

The Electronic Portal of Proposals is a system used for the submission and assessment of discovery research project proposals and monitoring of funded projects financed from the NRDI Fund (domestic source of an extra-budgetary fund).

EPR offers the following features:

  • submission of project proposals;
  • assessment of project proposals;
  • professional and financial reporting on funded projects;
  • follow-up of the professional and financial reports of funded projects;
  • communication with project leaders.

A detailed technical description of how to submit proposals in EPR is provided in the call documentation. Proposals can be submitted only by researchers and institutions registered in EPR beforehand.

Complete the following form to register in EPR: data sheet for institutions PDF (54 KB)

If a researcher of a given institute wishes to participate in an R&D call announced by the NRDI Office, the institution needs to get registered in the NRDI Office Electronic Portal of Proposals (EPR) by completing the data sheet for institutions.

Thus, also registered institutions will have direct access to the electronic system of the NRDI Office. The electronic administration enables

  • the institution’s representative and chief financial officer to access data;
  • the competent persons to approve (“sign”) documents electronically;
  • status verification of research centres and researchers affiliated with the institution;
  • submission of professional and financial reports for research projects;
  • preparation and submission of proposals;
  • management of the personal data sheets of researchers.

Accordingly, all registered institutions will be authorised to access the electronic system of the NRDI Office for the user roles determined in the annex.

Designated administrator of a registered institution is entitled to register new researchers for the institution or for one of its research centres. If a researcher is not yet registered in the Electronic Portal of Proposals (EPR), he/she needs to turn to the designated administrator at the institution. The list of administrators with names and contact details is available here: institutional administrators.

Data of newly registered researchers are in all cases verified by the NRDI Office staff to avoid duplicate entries in the database. The newly registered person may log in the electronic system after approval (generally 1 or 2 days after registration) using a username and password provided, which can be altered any time.

If a researcher is a principal investigator of a thematic research project and wishes to add a new researcher to the project, he or she has to request the new researcher’s admission by sending an email to the panel administrator and registering the new researcher in the electronic system through the institutional administrator. Data required for registration: name, place and date of birth, email address. Once the request is approved and the researcher is registered (by the institutional administrator) the responsible officer at the Office will match the person to the project and enter relevant data in the system (e.g. participation period, project tasks, FTE etc.).

Changed personal data are updated in the electronic system by the researchers for themselves. The only exceptions are the researcher’s name and email address which can be changed by the institutional administrator upon the researcher’s request (however researchers are allowed to provide a secondary email address which can be recorded by him/her).

If a researcher belongs to a non-registered institution, his/her name and email address can be modified by the NRDI Office staff. Changes of the research centre can only be recorded by the institutional administrator (researchers may state their former and present workplaces in the “CV” option, these data however will not be displayed on the “Personal data sheet”, but only serve as information on professional background).

Changes in the institution’s data as well as the name and email address of the institution’s representatives can be modified by the NRDI Office staff, based on the submitted data sheet for institutions.

The reason(s) for changes in the institution’s data is recorded by the institutional administrator.

Please name the persons assigned for the specific roles listed in the annexed data sheet. Note that authorised administrators and rapporteurs with access rights to the NRDI Office’s information system also have access to the confidential details of the institution’s proposals and projects, therefore particular attention must be paid to keeping access credentials confidential.

The specimen signature, no older than 3 months, of the head and the chief financial officer of the institution have to be attached to the data sheet. If a deputy authorised signatory is appointed, his or her specimen signature must also be submitted.

Registration in EPR is usually completed within 14 business days by the NRDI Office. The user name and activation link required for login are sent to the relevant users’ email address.

Head of Institution (HI) (e.g. rector, director etc.): has access to all data of all funded research projects and pending proposals associated with the institution, and is entitled to electronically approve project proposals before finalisation by the institution’s researchers.

Technical guidelines for Heads of Institutions (HI)  PDF (152 KB)

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (e.g. financial director): has access to the financial data of all funded research projects and pending proposals associated with the institution, and is entitled to electronically approve the estimated budget of proposals before finalisation by the institution’s researchers.
- If several IFO roles are requested for an institution, it is the CFO’s responsibility to assign projects to IFOs.

- Only users with CFO access rights can assign IFVs to IFOs.

Technical guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO)  PDF (151 KB)

Institutional Administrator (IA) (e.g. calls manager, office clerk): has access to all data of all funded research projects and pending proposals associated with the institution, for the purposes of providing data and making reports to the management of the institution. The IA will be responsible for the maintenance of institutional data that includes

- providing the structure of research centres (e.g. departments, units, institutes) associated with the institution, as well as recording and maintaining their data;

- entering authentication data of researchers participating in proposals and running projects associated with the institution (registration of new researchers, recording changes in name, email address and research centre of registered researchers).

Technical guidelines for Institutional Administrators (IA)  PDF (168 KB)

Institutional Financial Officer (IFO) (e.g. financial administrator, accounting assistant): as an official managing the financial affairs of the institution’s projects has access to all financial data sheets associated with the institution in the NRDI Office’s database for the purposes of providing data and making reports to the management of the institution. The IFO will be responsible for making due financial reports of the institution’s running research projects to the NRDI Office.

Technical guidelines for Institutional Financial Officer (IFO)  PDF (159 KB)

Institutional Financial Viewers (IFV) (this role is not mandatory): Has no right to record or modify data. The CFO may assign one or more IFOs to an IFV.
The IFV has the right to view the financial data, financial reports and cost items of the projects managed by the assigned IFOs.

Technical guidelines for Institutional Financial Viewers (IFV) PDF (147 KB)

In case of publications and publication statistics, the NRDI Office considers the data in the MTMT as authentic, so researchers are recommended to refer to that database. The EPR system is compatible with MTMT data in terms of publication lists and publication statistics. Your publications data can be directly imported from MTMT and can be attached to your project proposals or the scientific report of your funded projects. Follow the steps below to import publication lists:

  1. Click Personal details in the left side menu,
  2. then click Publications and citations.
  3. In the opening page, enter your MTMT identifier in the MTMT identifier field (former KPA identifiers are not accepted for the process). Then click Selected publications in the left side menu, then
  4. Select Import publications option in the menu above.
  5. In the opening page, you can transfer your list compiled in the external database into the EPR system (using the magnifier icon).
  6. In the MTMT: upon selecting the publications (individually or collectively), you can change the list settings with the Add to selected publications function in the List menu. Here, you can also remove publications from the list. The actual content of the list can be viewed in the lists section of the panel on the left. The list can also be published – this can be set on the author’s data sheet.
  7. Selected publications can be imported in the EPR at the page Selected publications / Import publications. Attention: importing data may take some time.
  8. By clicking the Import button at the bottom of the page, you can import your publication list to EPR but it will not be automatically attached to a project proposal or a scientific report. At Publication data input, you can edit your imported publications and delete your records individually.

    Attaching imported publications to a project proposal:
    • Open the proposal in edit mode, then select Link publication to proposal from the Proposal details drop-down menu.
    • The list of publications imported on the Selected publications page will be displayed. Select up to 10 publications to be attached to the proposal by marking the text boxes in the first column of the table. The last column displays the rank of the selected publications according to the Scopus journal ranking. The journal rankings are based on the SCImago Journal Rank indicator, automatically attached to the publications – further information: If a publication can be assigned to several Scopus categories (“Subject Category”), by default, the system displays the best ranks. This cannot be changed.
    • Click Save and link publications to the proposal at the bottom of the page to attach the list of selected publications to the project proposal.
    • Below the selected publications, you can enter the publications in which the researcher is co-first author, co-second author, or corresponding author and briefly explain the researcher’s role in each publication. (Maximum length: 3000 characters). This text will be attached to the proposal together with the selected publications.

    Imported publications for scientific reports:
    • In the case of funded research projects, the list of publications relevant to the project implementation forms part of the scientific report to be submitted for each work stage. The list can be recorded manually or imported from the MTMT repository. To do so, you have to first import the selected publications to the Selected publications page as described above.
    • Click the Add selected publications tab on the professional report page to open the list of Selected publications from where you can select the publications relevant to the given report.
    • Click the tickbox before the publication title to select the publication you want to add to the report. The drop-down menu that appears allows you to make a statement on referencing the project funding in the given publication. If a publication was financed under several funding programmes, further sponsors can be specified in the Funding organisations column.
    • Click Add selected publications and works to the proposal at the bottom of the page to save the record.

Importing publication statistics from the MTMT step by step:

Note that former KPA identifiers are not accepted for this purpose. You have to present the later MTMT identifier since publication statistics may only be imported with that identification.

  1. Click Personal details in the left side menu,
  2. then click Statistics of publications.
  3. In the opening page select the Import publication statistics option from the top menu.
  4. First enter the MTMT identifier (see above),
  5. then click the Query button to view and check data.
  6. Click Import to transfer data to EPR and then the proposal. Use of the Query option and control of the data before importing are recommended first.

Further information:

Customer Services of the NRDI Office  (; +36 1 795 9500)

Updated: 17 April 2019
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