The President of the NRDI Office participated in and gave a speech at the EU13 Forum forming part of the jubilee event of the European Research Council, then he held talks with the scientific advisory organization of the French legislative bodies as well as the representatives of the most significant research funding organizations between 15 and 16 March 2017 in Paris. The French cooperation agreement related to the ELI laser centre in Szeged was also signed.
In the framework of the event marking the 10th anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC), the institution dedicated to the funding of cutting-edge European exploratory research projects and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS) jointly organised a forum with the participation of the Member States that joined the EU in 2004 (the so called EU13). The aim of the forum was to promote the visiting fellowship opportunities for, among others, young Hungarian researchers to visit research groups which had successfully applied for ERC funding. “With 13 funded projects and a total funding amount of nearly EUR 19 million, Hungary is one of the best-performing applicants in the region. This initiative makes it possible for our researchers to gain even more experience before entering the cut-throat competition for the ERC grants,” said József Pálinkás in his speech, adding that the NRDI Office actively supports successful participation with dedicated funding schemes.
The next day, József Pálinkás held talks with the heads of the CNRS, and then the agreement between the Hungarian ELI institution - supervised by the NRDI Office - and the CNRS was signed. This memorandum facilitates the effective capacity utilisation of the attosecond laboratory of the joint European Laser Research Infrastructures built in Hungary through the new opportunity to involve French researchers. The ELI facility in Szeged is the fifth largest EU funded investment in Hungary in the 2014–2020 programming period, expected to be launched with full capacity in 2019, connected to two other laser research facilities in the Czech Republic and Romania.
The President of the NRDI Office also met the heads of OPECST, the scientific and technological advisory organisation attached to the French National Assembly and the Senate, where he presented the latest changes the Hungarian RDI control and financing system as well as the experience gained from developing the domestic RDI policy. At the meeting with the representatives of the French network of Hungarian researchers (Science Innovation France Hongrie, SIFraH), József Pálinkás pointed out: “This community can greatly promote Hungarian-French scientific relations and the visibility of Hungarian science in France. However, the NRDI Office also wishes to support Hungarian researchers living here to become familiar with the new career-building opportunities in their home country.”
Download presentation: József Pálinkás: Inspiring scientific excellence PDF (1 301 KB)
photo: Marc Beaudenon