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EUR 62 million in the first round of the call for proposals to stimulate the RDI activities of businesses in Central Hungary
EUR 62 million in the first round of the call for proposals to stimulate the RDI activities of businesses in Central Hungary
16 June 2017
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The call for proposals to develop new, marketable products, services and technologies with significant added value, has been opened to businesses in Budapest and Pest county. In the first period of evaluation, 285 project proposals were submitted with funding requests amounting to HUF 67.5 billion (EUR 220 million).

Of the proposals submitted, 88 projects were awarded HUF 19.2 billion (EUR 62.5 million) of non-refundable grant in total.

Among the winning projects innovation applicable in various fields were awarded grants, such as developments that may be made use of in applied economics, pharmacology and metrology, among others. In the first evaluation period, up to 15 February, 285 project proposals were submitted with requested funding amounting to HUF 67.5 billion (EUR 220 million), therefore the NRDI Office suspended submission until evaluation was processed. Finally, based on the funding decisions in the first round 88 projects were awarded more than HUF 19 billion (EUR 62.5 million) in the form of non-refundable grants. More than 80% of the grants was allocated to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Percentage of beneficiaries according to company size

The “Support of RDI activities (VÁLLALATI KFI_16)” call stimulates knowledge-intensive, innovative businesses. In this scheme, micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises based in Central Hungary as well as large companies may apply for funding of HUF 80 to 500 million (EUR 260 thousand to 1.6 million), in compliance with one of the sectoral priorities defined in the National Smart Specialisation Strategy, to finance their research, development and innovation activities carried out on their own or in consortia. The call for proposals with the domestic funding provided by the NRDI Office for applicants from Central Hungary is complementary to the call announced earlier from EU funds under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP/GINOP 2.1.1-15) with a total budget of HUF 50+22 billion (EUR 163+71.5 million) with the same target but available only for businesses in convergence regions, and another one under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP/VEKOP) with a total funding of HUF 17.62 billion (over EUR 57 million). Its total budgetary envelope in 2016 was HUF 21 billion (EUR 68.5 million), whereas in 2017 it is HUF 30 billion (EUR 97.5 million). The NRDI Office has re-opened the call up to the budget remaining available after the first round of year 2017.

Updated: 14 December 2017
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