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More than a hundred enterprises receive EUR 215 million to launch RDI projects with universities and research centres
More than a hundred enterprises receive EUR 215 million to launch RDI projects with universities and research centres
05 July 2017
Modified: 27 June 2019
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
Another 69 Hungarian R&D and innovation projects have won funding under the call of “R&D competitiveness and excellence cooperation programmes” within the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP/GINOP).

According to the funding decision of the Ministry of National Economy being responsible for the assessment of submitted entries and decision-making, the winning consortia receive HUF 66 billion (EUR 215 million) to implement development projects with a total budget of HUF 92.9 billion (over EUR 300 million). Consortia formed by 125 cooperating businesses (SMEs, large companies, other businesses) and 99 higher education institutions or research centres have won HUF 350 million to 2 billion (EUR 1.1 to 6.5 million) each, to achieve marketable scientific results.

In the previous assessment rounds of the same call, 26 consortia were awarded HUF 28.2 (EUR 91.5 million) in funding.

The “R&D competitiveness and excellence cooperation programmes” call aims to drive companies, higher education institutions and research centres (publicly financed and non-profit organisations alike) to cooperate with each other on RDI projects, exploit synergies and develop innovative, marketable products and services. The long-term objective of the programme is to develop sustainable, strategic cooperations, and to enable the commercialisation of scientific results answering economic or societal challenges. The call is available for applicants outside the Central Hungary region.


National Research, Development and Innovation Office

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office, which is responsible for the appropriate, efficient and transparent utilisation of domestic RDI funds, developed a uniform system of competitive calls in 2015 for the coordinated, appropriate and value-creating utilisation of EU development funds provided for RDI purposes and the domestic sources provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NRDI Fund). The coordinated calls in the portfolio incentivise scientific research projects, business developments and the implementation of innovative ideas alike. The Office is responsible for providing professional background to RDI projects funded from EU sources – Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP) and Competitive Central-Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP) – and for preparing the concept of calls for applications from an RDI policy perspective. The total funding available for research, development and innovation until 2020 is HUF 1,200 billion, provided from EU and domestic sources in the framework of calls announced in cooperation with the NRDI Office.

Updated: 27 June 2019
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