Factoring in some of the most frequently asked questions, WIPO has launched a new range of short videos with on-screen examples and visual aids to help you navigate the registration process with ease and confidence. They’re designed to help you avoid the common misunderstandings and errors that can arise when completing the online forms.
The benefits in brief
For the Madrid System, WIPO decided to introduce a new video format that’s in line with the online tutorials, helping users to master the basics of various Madrid System transactions in less than five minutes. They’ll also be providing website resources and useful tips for completing forms and transactions with WIPO, and with IP Offices of Madrid Union members.
All ‘How to’ videos will be available on Madrid System website.
Stay tuned for more tutorials throughout 2019
Check the Madrid website regularly, or subscribe to Madrid News and to stay up-to-date with the latest online tutorials for 2019.
Send your tutorial requests
What aspects of using the Madrid System would you like us to cover in video tutorials? Send your request By selecting ‘ask a question’ at Contact Madrid, and tagging it with ‘Madrid “How-To” video proposal’ in the comments.
Source: wipo.int