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Future Research Challenges: Hungarian–Norwegian Research Conference & Knowledge Exchange, 15-16 February 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Future Research Challenges: Hungarian–Norwegian Research Conference & Knowledge Exchange, 15-16 February 2018, Budapest, Hungary
13 December 2017
Modified: 13 April 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The National Research, Development and Innovation Office in collaboration with the Research Council of Norway is organising a set of measures to enhance collaboration and exchange knowledge between research organisations in Hungary and Norway.

The “Future Research Challenges” conference will bring together Hungarian and Norwegian research centres of excellence1 to share recent research activities and exchange views on future directions, in areas as health, environment, society, technologies and beyond. The conference will focus on showcasing the work of rising talents and engaging them in multidisciplinary discussion of shared future research challenges. The second day will include visits to research organisations in Hungary for lively demonstrations of ongoing activities and showcasing unique research infrastructures. Follow-up visits to Norway will focus on demonstrating complementary activities, and discussions on future bi- and multilateral research collaboration frameworks and opportunities.

  • Are you engaged in Hungarian-Norwegian research collaboration with a vision for future challenges?
  • Are you looking for new partnerships for multidisciplinary research ideas?
  • Are you a young researcher looking to expand your international collaboration network?

Registration of Expressions of Interest to participate in the “Future Research Challenges” bilateral conference:

Funding for will be provided for up to 30 Norwegian and Hungarian researchers to engage in the bilateral knowledge exchange process in order to seed future collaborative projects.
The “Future Research Challenges” conference and knowledge exchange is supported by the Norway Grants.

Detailed information on the visits of Hungarian researchers to Norway and the application form can be found on the conference website:


1 The term “centre of excellence” does not necessarily refer to entities that obtained such a label from a national or international research programme, but rather entities characterised by research excellence.
Updated: 13 April 2018
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