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Institutional excellence programmes will continue in 2020
22 April 2020
Modified: 08 May 2020
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In 2020 the Excellence Programme for Higher Education Institutions (FIKP) and the Thematic Excellence Programme (TKP) will be integrated into a single programme called Thematic Excellence Programme 2020 (TKP2020), financed from the NRDI Fund. The main objective remains the same: to create a funding system for more effective and rewarding professional work in higher education institutions and research institutes by focusing RDI activities in these institutions.

The budget of the programme for 2020 is HUF 28.74 billion.

The new integrated TKP2020 involves two subprogrammes: The Institutional Excellence subprogramme covers the 2019 FIKP thematic areas funded under the institution development plan of higher education institutions within the meaning of Section 12(4) of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education. The National Challenges subprogramme covers the thematic areas funded under the government priorities governing the 2019 TKP.

In the TKP2020 programme the duration of thematic research projects is 1 year for the Institutional Excellence subprogramme (last year’s funding for FIKP thematic areas) and 3 years for the National Challenge subprogramme (continued funding for TKP thematic areas).

The TKP2020 call for proposals will be published soon, and all institutions concerned will be notified in email. The NRDI Office intends to simplify the application process to facilitate the submission and processing of project proposals, and thus reduce the administrative burden on applicants and speed up the evaluation of proposals.

Updated: 08 May 2020
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