Ön itt áll: For the applicantsNews and eventsEventsHungarian and international events
Hungarian and international events
Science Europe publishes Statement on Horizon 2020 Budget
Publication date: 22 September 2016
Commission plans to further boost investment to support jobs and sustainable growth
Publication date: 22 September 2016
EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017
Publication date: 22 September 2016
EU experts float new partnership idea for EU-UK post-Brexit
Publication date: 22 September 2016
In the face of China’s rising might in science, EU Parliament calls for closer EU-US research ties
Publication date: 22 September 2016
REinEU 2016
Publication date: 22 September 2016
After Brexit: possible outcomes for Horizon 2020
Publication date: 22 September 2016
Webinar on 5 October: IP in EU-funded Projects/Horizon 2020
Publication date: 22 September 2016
“Hungary has talent!” Review of the Hungarian research and innovation system with recommendations
Publication date: 22 September 2016
H2020 Coordinators’ day via webstreaming
Publication date: 21 September 2016
List of H2020 evaluators published!
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Stakeholders Infoday ‘”Responding to Societal Challenges through Nature and Cultural Heritage based solutions”
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Info-day & Brokerage Event: Logistics Topics in H2020 calls 2017
Publication date: 21 September 2016
ARTEMIS Pre-Brokerage event on 4-5 October 2016
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Experts needed: Help select Horizon 2020 project proposals
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Are you an architect, engineer or building manager looking for energy efficiency training?
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Consultation on the Interim evaluation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Consultation on Cloud Computing Research Innovation Challenges for WP 2018-2020
Publication date: 21 September 2016
Top UK universities consider new campuses in Europe
Publication date: 21 September 2016
ERC to invest record budget in 2017
Publication date: 21 September 2016