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Communication on issuing commitment letters for model-changing higher education institutions to participate in Horizon Europe programme and in science & RDI funding programmes of the EU under direct and indirect management
04 May 2023
Modified: 05 May 2023
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The NRDI Office provides commitment letters in English to help model-changing higher education institutions to remain participants in collaborative projects under Horizon Europe and the EU’s directly and indirectly managed science, research, development and innovation funding programmes

In order to remedy the discriminatory, temporary blocking of funding for Horizon Europe and the EU’s directly and indirectly managed science & RDI programmes for model-changing higher education institutions, the Hungarian Government provides funding for the tasks undertaken as an associated partner from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, with an initial budget of HUF 5 billion.

In order to maintain international cooperation and to counteract the negative impact of the Commission’s communication on the international image of the Hungarian partners, the model-changing universities have the possibility to request a prior commitment letter from the NRDI Office.

Applications for a commitment letter can be submitted via and will be assessed for RDI relevance by external, independent experts invited by the NRDI Office.
A separate news post will be published soon on our website when the platform becomes active.

For Horizon Europe projects, please upload the Project Coordinator Declaration, which can be downloaded from the following link: Project Coordinator Declaration - Commitment letter DOCX (19 KB)

If you are applying for EU funding from a directly managed EU programme other than Horizon Europe, please justify the RDI objective by providing details of the tasks undertaken and the budget in the relevant application form.

A prior commitment letter does not automatically imply an award decision. Grant applications can be submitted through the NRDI Office’s dedicated application management portal. Details of this were given in a previous news post. The project coordinator’s declaration required for the grant application can be downloaded from the following link: Coordinator Declaration for Grant Application DOCX (19 KB)

The Accounting and Technical Guidelines referred to in the Information leaflet will be uploaded on the website at a later stage.

Documents available for download:

Updated: 05 May 2023
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