The National Research, Development and Innovation Office in cooperation with the Research Centre for Natural Sciences and with the Hungarian Young Academy is organising an online workshop about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF).
Date and time: 20 July 2022 10:00-12:00 (CET)
The aim of the online workshop is to provide information and advice for researchers who plan to submit their PF proposal by the deadline of 14 September, 2022 with a Hungarian host organisation. During the workshop, Hungarian MSCA national contact points (NCP) and successful MSCA fellows provide tips and tricks on how to prepare a successful PF proposal.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge but prior registration is required. Deadline for registration: 18 July 2022. Zoom link will be sent to the participants on 19 July.
Download presentation: Nóra Jeney: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships PDF (5 635 KB)
More information:
Nóra Jeney, MSCA NCP
e-mail: nora.jeney@nkfih.gov.hu
Beatrix Borza, MSCA NCP
e-mail: beatrix.borza@nkfih.gov.hu
The aim of founding the EDUCATIO International Education Exhibition was to answer all the questions regarding higher education. Its goal is to connect each and every participant of education (i.e. national and international institutions of higher education, course book publishers, language schools, and vocational training centres) with people who are interested in it (i.e., students, teachers, and parents).
1034 Budapest, Bécsi str. 96/B
The Hungarian STEM Platform Conference, hosted among the programs of the Hungarian Presidency within the European Union, will serve as a key platform for dialogue between policymakers, industry leaders, academic experts, and international STEM organizations. The conference aims to advance R&D, promote STEM/STEAM education, and foster collaboration among universities, industries, and governments (triple helix model). With the support of the EU STEM Coalition, the event will address the critical role of STEM in tackling global challenges and building a sustainable, competitive Europe.