You are here: About the OfficeInternational cooperationVisegrád Group (V4)
Visegrád Group (V4)
Objectives of the alliance
The Visegrád Group was established by Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary by passing the Visegrád declaration in 1991. The main objective of this initiative is to establish long-term cooperation primarily on the field of economy, common foreign and security policy, culture, education, environmental protection, transport, energy, science, and technology.
V4 + international cooperation
V4 + Japan
V4 + Korea
V4 + United States
Hungarian V4 Presidency
Hungary takes the presidency of the Visegrád Group for the fifth time between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. The Hungarian V4 Presidency follows the following priorities on the field of research, development, and innovation.
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