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RDI policy
Neumann János Programme
Hungary’s new innovation strategy. The Neumann János Programme (NJP) focuses on linking universities and research institutions with the economy.
Programme Strategy 2024
The NRDI Fund’s 2024 Programme Strategy proposes a total budget of HUF 176.263 billion for the launch and management of calls for proposals, of which HUF 147 billion is for new calls to be launched in 2024.
Calls of the NRDI Fund
A coherent portfolio of competitive calls was implemented by the NRDI Office to facilitate the regulated, predictable and purpose-oriented use of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NRDI Fund).
Management of the NRDI Fund
The NRDI Fund, managed by the NRDI Office, is a separate public fund under the Public Finance Act that provides public support for research, development and innovation from domestic sources and is used exclusively for this purpose.
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