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Request for public information
Request for public information
17 November 2017
Modified: 18 September 2020
Reading time: 4 minute(s)
  1. Anyone can request access to public information from the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Office in person (at 1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1), in writing (by sending a regular mail to 1438 Budapest, Pf. 438), electronically (by sending an email to or using the e-Papír website. The rules applying to the disclosure of public information shall also apply to the disclosure of information made public based on legitimate public interest.
  2. Requests for public information shall be dealt with by the Legal Affairs and Procurement Unit of the Department for Legal Affairs, Procurement and Human Resources of the NRDI Office. Requests received by other organizational units and parties making a request in person shall be sent immediately to the Legal Affairs and Procurement Unit.
  3. If the request concerns public information that are not managed by, related to the activity of or generated by fulfilling the duties of the NRDI Office, it shall be forwarded to the competent organization or person, if such organization or person can be identified, and the requesting party shall be notified accordingly.
  4. The Legal Affairs and Procurement Unit shall comply with the request for public information within 15 days of receipt, which may be extended once by an additional 15 days in justified cases (if the request is extensive or concerns a large number of data or compliance with the request requires disproportionate effort from the staff used by the NRDI Office for fulfilling its main duties), subject to 15 days’ prior notice to the requesting party.
  5. If the request concerns information that the NRDI Office has already published based on legal requirement or its Privacy and Data Security Policy, the request may be granted by indicating the public source.
  6. The NRDI Office may refuse a request to the extent it covers the same public information requested by the same party within a period of one year, provided that there has been no change to such information. The NRDI Office may also refuse a request if the requesting party fails to provide its name and contact details to where information and notice can be sent in relation to the request.
  7. The NRDI Office may charge a reasonable fee for the costs of complying with the request, subject to prior information to the requesting party.
  8. If the request for public information cannot be granted, the requesting party shall be notified of the refusal, together with reasons and the indication of available remedies, by the Legal Affairs and Procurement Unit within 15 days by regular mail, email or over the client portal.
  9. The Legal Affairs and Procurement Unit shall keep a record of the requests for public information, the granting and refusing decisions, as well as the reasons for refusals. The NRDI Office shall report refused requests and the underlying reasons to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) by 31 January of each year.
  10. In the event of the refusal or inadequate compliance with a request for public information, the requesting party may seek remedies from the Budapest Regional Court (1055 Budapest, Markó u. 27.) free of charge and as a matter of urgency, and may initiate an investigation at NAIH (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c;
  11. Data protection officer of the NRDI Office: Dr. Gyula Fonyó
    Address of service: NRDI Office, 1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
    Mailing address: 1438 Budapest, Pf. 438
    Phone number: +36 20 932 9144

Updated: 18 September 2020
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