You are here: For the applicantsFunding schemesCalls to foster RDIArchived callsThematic research projects based on Hungarian–Austrian cooperation or Hungarian–Slovenian cooperation (ANN_19, SNN_19)
Call for thematic research projects based on Hungarian–Austrian cooperation or Hungarian–Slovenian cooperation
Date of announcement: 04 april 2019
Next deadline for submission:
Deadline for E-submission: 09 may 2019 16:00
09 may 2019
Deadline for application via post office: 15 May 2019
Submitter of proposal
Budgetary institution, Enterprise, Non-profit organisation
Beneficiary groups
Institution of higher education, Institution of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS/MTA), Other budgetary research institution, Enterprise-based research organisation, Non-profit research organisation
HUF 5 800 000 000
Number of applications
Funds available per project
HUF 48 Mn
Project duration
max. 4 years
Field of research activity
Fundamental research
Evaluator of proposals
NRDI Office
The call aims to further improve Hungarian scientific excellence by promoting talented researchers and their research projects. As a priority objective, the call is to promote cooperation between domestic research groups and their foreign partners, strengthen the international embeddedness of Hungarian science, and increase the international recognition of domestic researchers and research institutions.

Available budget

In the period 2019–2023, the NRDI Office allocates a combined budget of HUF 5.8 billion for the sub-programme of the thematic research projects (K_19) and the sub-programmes of thematic research projects based on Hungarian–Austrian or Hungarian–Slovenian bilateral cooperation (ANN_19 and SNN_19) from the NRDI Fund.

Amount of funding

According to the call, no more than HUF 48 million for maximum 48 months can be requested in the case of Hungarian–Austrian projects (ANN_19) and HUF 36 million maximum 36 months in the case of Hungarian–Slovenian projects (SNN_19). If the duration of the project is shorter, requested funding should be decreased on a pro rata temporis basis.

Duration of the project

The maximum project duration is 36 or 48 months respectively, depending on the concerned relation. Projects shall commence on 1 December 2019. The earliest date for reporting costs is the project start date specified in the funding agreement.

Submission of applications

Complying with its legal obligation, the NRDI Office enables applicants to submit their applications exclusively electronically. In this case, the documents required in Point “I” of the call to be submitted by regular mail / with electronic signature must be signed electronically as specified in Point “I” of the call and attached to the application on the Online Application Portal by the deadline for electronic submission, that is, by 9 May 2019 at 16:00 (CET).

Please note that all documents required to be submitted by regular mail/with electronic signature must be submitted in the same way, that is, all documents must be submitted to the NRDI Office either by regular mail or electronically provided with electronic signature.

In the case of regular mail, the submission is successful if the proposal was finalised electronically by the applicant and approved by the head of the host institution by the deadline for E-submission, and the documents required in Point “I” of the call were submitted by regular mail to the Customer Service of the NRDI Office by the deadline. In the case of electronic submission, the submission is successful if the proposal was finalised electronically by the applicant and approved by the head of the host institution by the deadline for E-submission, and the electronically signed versions of the documents required in Point “I” of the call were submitted by regular mail / with electronic signature through the Online Application Portal.

All applications must be submitted in English irrespective of the field of science.

Submission and evaluation of the project proposals are governed by the Lead Agency system: if the funding requested by the Hungarian party exceeds the funding requested by the Austrian or Slovenian collaborative partner, Evaluation is performed by the NRDI Office. If the foreign partner requests higher amount of funding, the proposal is to be submitted and evaluated by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) or the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), depending on the concerned relation. 

Eligible applicants

Principal investigators can apply jointly with the host institution which has to be a Hungarian based

  • higher education institution, research centre, research institution, budgetary organ or an institution thereof having legal personality if it qualifies as a research organisation under the law;
  • business company which has at least two completed business years, maintains double-entry accounting and is not subject to the simplified entrepreneurial tax (EVA) or small taxpayers’ itemized lump sum tax (KATA), if engaged in R&D activities; or
  • non-profit organisation if it qualifies as a research organisation under the law.

Throughout the entire implementation period the principal investigator shall be a worker of the host institution under an employment contract, civil service contract, works contract or other contract aimed at performing work.

No more than one proposal can be submitted to this call, and FK_19 or PD_19 proposals are not allowed in parallel. KKP_17 or KKP_19 grantees are not eligible either.

Eligible objectives and actions

All activities are eligible that are performed by the participating domestic researcher(s) or research group(s) in order to attain the primary goals set out in the discovery research plan submitted to the NRDI Office and elaborated on the basis of the research and work plan outlined in the call for thematic research projects based on international cooperation.

Customer service contacts:
phone: +36 (1) 795 9500

Personal appointments (pree-booked only): H-1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna sq. 1. (2nd floor)

Customer Service hours of operation: Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.

Winners of the thematic research project proposals based on Hungarian–Austrian or Hungarian–Slovenian international cooperation (ANN_19, SNN_19)

From the call titled thematic research projects based on Hungarian–Austrian cooperation or Hungarian–Slovenian cooperation (ANN_19, SNN_19) 7 project proposals won a total funding of HUF 235 million.

As for proposals based on cooperation with Slovenian (SNN_19) and Austrian partners (ANN_19), after the respective decisions of the co-funding organisations i.e the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), total HUF 138,2 million in funding was awarded for 4 projects under the first, and total HUF 96.8 million for 3 proposals under the latter.

Number of submitted proposals
Number of funded projects
Total amount claimed
(in HUF thousands)
Total amount awarded
(in HUF thousands)
ANN_19 8 4 287 610 138 208
SNN_19 23 3 797 666 96 804
Sum 31 7 1 085 276 235 012



Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 14 November 2019

Evaluation panel
Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
International cooperation panel 132225 András Czirók: complex biomaterials: engineering mimetic epithelial tissue environments for lung cancer research (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 992
International cooperation panel 132280 Zsolt Török: Biophysical aspects of mild heat stress in T-cell signaling (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 47 970
International cooperation panel 132442 Péterné Tölgyessy: Inward and outward FDI in Austria and Hungary – an international comparison (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 36 9 942
International cooperation panel 132718 Judit Molnár: "On Ice" in Strasshof. The History and Memory of Hungarian Jewish Forced Labourers in Vienna and its Vicinity (1944-1945) (University of Szeged) 48 32 304



Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 14 November 2019

Evaluation panel
Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
International cooperation panel 131558 István Szilágyi: Delamination of layered materials and structure-dynamics relationship in green solvents (University of Szeged) 36 35 910
International cooperation panel 132625 György Kiss: Geometries, graphs, groups and their links (Eötvös Loránd University) 36 24 894
International cooperation panel 132999 Tibor Hortobágyi: Nuclear transport defects in frontotemporal dementia (University of Szeged) 36 36 000
Updated: 10 December 2019
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To ensure value-based professional evaluation of proposals arriving in large quantities from the fields of discovery and applied research and innovation, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to prepare policy opinions, the NRDI Office intends to expand its expert pool in all fields of expertise.

Professionals who have registered in the database of the NRDI Office can become responsible contributors, as independent peer-reviewers, to the evaluation process in which the professional quality, novelty content and commercialisation perspectives of the proposals as compared to the requested funding should be assessed as core considerations.

The registration process can be initiated through the registration form of the NRDI Office’s website. Registration is continuously open.

Requested data within the expert registration form include:

  • personal data, contact details (necessary for contracting review assignments);
  • classification of professional skills and competencies and research areas (to get review invitations fine-tuned to your field of expertise);
  • topics of the previously reviewed proposals;
  • present and past jobs, interest networks (in order to pre-screening of conflicts of interest in a given rview assignment), education, scientific titles, most important publications and intellectual works demonstrating your professional experience;
  • language skills.

Professionals once registered in the database of experts may be invited by the NRDI Office to review submitted proposals, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to contribute to policy opinions.

Each proposal is reviewed by several independent experts at the same time. Experts selected from the database to review proposals, to assess professional reports and facilitate expert opinions will be contracted by the NRDI Office on a case-by-case basis. When concluding such a contract experts must declare that the review assignment is not obstructed by any conflict of interest whatsoever. Depending on the competition type, written expert reviews must be prepared in 15-28 work days and submitted electronically via the online review portal of the NRDI Office.


For further information contact at phone +36 1 795 9500 or email at

The NRDI Fund’s Programme Strategy 2024 supports the implementation of the John von Neumann Programme, which focuses on connecting universities, research institutions and the economy. The priority objective of the Programme Strategy 2024 is to contribute to improving the Hungarian performance in the areas of human resources (number of researchers, number of PhD students, number of STEM students in higher education), number and share of innovator enterprises (number and share of SMEs implementing product and/or process innovation) and intellectual property (IP) (patents, trademarks, designs).

The table below shows the calls planned and launched under the NRDI Fund for the period 2021-2024 and their amounts, broken down by year.

  2021 2022 2023 2024
NRDI budget
(Bn HUF)
189,844 89,838 63,779 176,263*
  Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)

Support for market-driven RDI projects
Support for market-driven RDI projects
2020-1.1.2-PIACI KFI
59,06     Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
30,149 SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
Fast track programme
Fast track
3,00 Fast track programme
Fast track
12,85 Fast track programme
Fast Track
2,00 Spin-off Programme: bringing research results to market
Fast track
Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,50 Industrial property tender
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
International programmes
Support for participation in the ECSEL joint EU initiative
Support for participation in joint EU initiatives
Funding for Hungarian Summer Internship programmes for hungarian university students studying in the UK, Germany or Austria
Support for Hungarian participation in EIT KIC
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Russian cooperation
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Moroccan cooperation
3,50 International programmes
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian-Turkish cooperation
Support for summer internships for Hungarian students studying abroad
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Uzbek cooperation
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Korean cooperation
6,00 International programmes
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations;
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJPCOFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
6,10 International programmes
HU-rizon Programme
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJP COFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs;
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call (EU_KKV);
Support for active participation in international professional organisations for researchers and research managers (Networking+);
Booster call for the Teaming of Excellence 2025 call;
International cooperation in preparation.
Announced under international programmes.
(Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI)
  Announced under international programmes.   Announced under international programmes.   Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
            Large Company Focus Area Innovation Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Innovation Venture Capital Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Development of applied research and innovation services
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Investment in the future Fund
Investment in the future
Development of an applied research network
Participation in the National Network of Applied Research Institutes
University Innovation Ecosystema
University Innovation Ecosystema
2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO
KKV Start programme
KKV Start Innovation
2020-1.1.1-KKV START
    Centres of excellence
Establishing and developing centres of excellence
    Startup Programme
Startup Programme
        Incubator Support Scheme

Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_21, FK_21, K_21, ANN_21, SNN_21
12,90 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_22, FK_22, K_22, ANN_22, SNN_22
13,50 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_23, FK_23, K_23, SNN_23
13,50 Excellence-based research funding
Call for EXCELLENCE research proposals
Call for ADVANCED research proposals
Call for STARTING research proposals
Call for proposals for research projects based on Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovenian cooperation
ANN_24, SNN_24
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
3,00 Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-21-1, ÚNKP-21-2, ÚNKP-21-3, ÚNKP-21-4, ÚNKP-21-5, ÚNKP-21-6
4,00 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-22-1, ÚNKP-22-2, ÚNKP-22-3, ÚNKP-22-4, ÚNKP-22-5, ÚNKP-22-6
0,828 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-23-1, ÚNKP-23-2, ÚNKP-23-3, ÚNKP-23-4, ÚNKP-23-5, ÚNKP-23-6
0,710 University Research Scholarship Programme
(scholarships announced by higher education institutions)
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
4,894     Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
1,00         Science Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
            Research Grant Hungary
Research Grant Hungary
RGH_S_24, RGH_L_24
            Pension - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Own contribution - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Proof of Concept: development potential assessment
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Thematic Excellence Programme

Thematic Excellence Programme 2021
(The budget includes the HUF 1 billion budget of the National Defence Subprogramme of the Cooperative Doctoral Programme (NDPCP-2021), which is closely linked to the National Defence, National Security Subprogramme of the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme.)
    Building the Selye János Student Lab network
Building the Selye János Student Lab network
National Laboratories Sub-fund
    National Laboratories
Establishment and complex development of the National Laboratories

* The total budget of the 2024 Programme Strategy.

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