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The assessment process of Széchenyi 2020 RDI programmes
20 July 2018
Modified: 20 July 2018
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As defined in the RDI policy, the NRDI Office prepares and enforces strategic considerations in EU-funded RDI calls; and in certain types of funding schemes, where the call notice so requires (typically those aimed at developing research infrastructures and cooperation between institutions and businesses), it assesses project proposals from an RDI policy perspective; in the case of refundable or combined funds it assesses proposals from an innovation policy perspective, and it also participates in the monitoring of the funding programmes.
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More information about Széchenyi 2020 RDI programmes:

Managing Authority Calls of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP or GINOP)

Of the EU-funded RDI programmes, the calls of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP or GINOP) are available to applicants from the entire country, except for Budapest and Pest county (i.e. the Central Hungary region), while the Competitive Central-Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP or VEKOP) provides RDI funding specifically to the Central Hungary region.

Project proposals are managed and assessed by the Managing Authority, namely the Deputy State Secretariat for the Implementation of Economic Development Programmes and the Deputy State Secretariat for the Implementation of Regional Development Programmes of the Ministry of National Economy. This activity mainly covers the following:

  • check of the eligibility (formal compliance) of project proposals;
  • assessment of the professional content of project proposals (in certain cases, where so required by the call notice, this is preceded by an assessment by the NRDI Office from an RDI or innovation policy perspective);
  • decision-making, contracting;
  • implementation period (milestones);
  • monitoring period (if so required by the call notice).

During the assessment, in addition to issuing RDI policy opinions, the NRDI Office also participates in the work of the Decision Preparation Committees (DPC) where it represents the RDI policy position with a right to vote.

Updated: 20 July 2018
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